Saturday, December 31, 2011

Sleep late
Wake up sick
Take a three hour nap
Start reading about racism in architecture
Make Paleo Challenge plans
Lose twice at Mr. Jack
Watch a bunch of Luther

Follow through on tentative New Year's plans
Sleep enough
Do the grocery shopping
Go outside

December 24-30, 2011

Spend a week in places with no internet access
Find myself continuously surrounded by boys less than waist high
Enact many, many gory deaths by Nerf weapons
Allow a 2 year old to change Husband's name to Sean
Have a real Xmas morning with kids under the age of 10
Get a little disgusted by the sheer number of their presents
Receive the best game ever and play it about twenty times
Witness a lot of unnecessary family drama
Successfully give away 250 cookies
See a family friend I haven't seen in a decade
Eat a lot of deliciously non-paleo junk
Remember that there are stars at night in cold, cold VT woods

Get sick until the drive home
Have an appreciative audience for handstands
Work on the book
Do anything much other than play

Friday, December 23, 2011

Wake up un-sick
Convince Husband to replace some damn lightbulbs
Get out the door by 11
Work on the book!
Allow an acquaintance to believe I was listening to music when really I just like wearing headphones to write
Mess around at the gym
Wrap about half the gifts
Indulge in cookies and beer

Write very much
Play with dogs
Abjectly fail every time someone engaged me in conversation
Un-fuck my SI joint
Finish the wrapping
Bake anything
Buy anything
Connect with people

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Finish the shopping
Vow to bake only 5 types of cookies
End up with about 250 cookies
Clean a lot
Catch Husband's cold

Go too crazy
Resist the suggestion to go the fuck outside
Take pictures for arty blog
Work on the book
Nap enough
See friends

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Do the laundry
Bake 80 or so cookies
Glaze/frost cookies, with varying success
Go insane from too much sugar
Go to the gym
Exchange mushy love notes with coach
Watch the best South Park ever

Finish the shopping
Wrap gifts
Get started on the next 4 kinds of cookies
Do very well at pistol practice
Stay to watch the total
Keep in touch about work stuff
Apply for new jobs
Work on the book

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Engage in some overdue mobility torture
Celebrate my single annual shopping day
Make three cookie doughs
Realize people are still proud of me
Clean the kitchen
Wrap a bunch of presents
Overdose on "Chopped"
Get a sugar headache

Go to work
Catch Husband's cold yet
Mess around with coconut flour
Egg the double-parked car outside that led to all-day honking
Get a winter coat
Play with dogs

Monday, December 19, 2011

Feel guilty about having loudly been proud of myself
Cry a little
Get over that stupidity
Procrastinate the HECK
Visit the Fairest of Ways
Create elaborate cookie plans
Set up Christmas
Waste hours and hours on teh intarwebs

Do all the chores
Finish the shopping
Bake any of the cookies
Go crazy yet
Leave the tree needles all over the floor

Sunday, December 18, 2011

Eat a LOT
Do some Christmas shopping
Remember what it's like to make people proud of me
Find out what I look like while lifting
Make a lot of cookie-based plans

Lift anything that weighed more than 3lbs
Hit the downward slope of the soreness curve
Sleep enough
Finish the List
Stop grinning

Saturday, December 17, 2011

Weigh myself five or six times in three hours
Watch a little kid play 'chase the pigeon'
Spend six and a half hours in the gym
Set three new personal records
Make my last lift of the day
Drink beer
Talk to some people
Walk home in the very very cold

Say the things I wish I had
Hear all the jokes I laughed at
Communicate my admiration for an incredible lifter without being rebuffed
Give up when it got hard
Care or even keep track of where I ended up in the rankings

Friday, December 16, 2011

Go to my last 8-hour AutoCAD class
Get excited and then nervous about tomorrow
Reread a damn good book
Cook some excellent dinner
Feel like my life is unraveling

Go to work
Go to the gym
Get to class on time
Fall asleep during the intro lecture on lighting cones and colors
Get a dog

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Go to the office for the last time until January 9
Watch a guy race the train
Take a picture of the last man standing in Zuccotti park
Waste a good four hours reading teh intarwebs at work
Get totally fed up with Underling for 2 seconds
Clean my desk
Regain full use of my neck thanks to New Chiro
Get catcalled at while walking home

Do a heck of a lot of work
Tell the truth about our vacation plans
Convince myself that this long vacation is actually a good idea
Manage not to worry about the meet
Schedule a time for work meetings I've been assiduously avoiding
Play with dogs
Do anything I was afraid of

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Have a party in my head because it was my penultimate day of work before VACATION
Help Underling as much as possible while she was getting shat on
Give Underling excuses to get out of the office when I could
Entertain nasty, happy thoughts at lady-boss's level of frustration with Underling
Write two proposals
Have a bar math fail at the gym, resulting in some freaked-out-edness about the meet
Do some kickass single leg squats
Do a quick archaeological dig while doing the dishes
Experiment with positive thinking about Saturday

Volunteer to postpone our vacation to do an interview for a project we're short-listed for
Come up with small talk for a whole 2 minutes with Potentially Interesting CoWorker
Get to the gym early enough
Feel like I could squat my goal weight when it was on my back
Remember to deposit my bonus check
Work on the book
Play with any dogs
Disappoint anybody

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Dutifully mash my shoulders up before work
Still have a kink in my neck from Monday
Spend the day buried in numbers
Write myself a pretty little bonus check
Lie about our vacation plans so they won't ask me to work next week
Look for a new job
Do the best of the Xmas shopping

Give in to peanut butter demons
Correct the heinous spelling mistakes on the gym blog
Feel more scared than excited about the meet on Saturday
Use my evening very productively
Regret anything that happened today

Monday, December 12, 2011

Do a chin-up and some mobility work before work
Still get a cramp in my neck at our two-hour staff meeting
Kiss the asses of people I've never met
Make an angry puppet out of my stapler
Read Harriet the Spy on the train
Try to find out wtf we're doing for Christmas
Do some dishes

Hurt Underling's feelings
Disappoint our hilariously-accented French/Israeli client
Use my better judgment about drinking coffee
Get caught doing Samson stretch in the bathroom
Forget that I only have THREE DAYS of work left before vacation
Give in to my peanut butter addiction
Get a dog

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Sleep really late
Get totally jacked on caffeine
Go out while it was still light
Stress out unproductively about Christmas
Eat crap
Nap on the Husband
Finish 1Q84, at last!
Get my Fairway on
Do the dishes

Play with dogs
Crash the Settlers game at Southside
Become a fan of football
Lose my Heidelberg hat forever
Wish my sister-in-law a happy birthday
Get anything productive done at all
Feel bad about it

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Saturday, December 10, 2011

Have a Saturday morning internet binge
Take at least three naps
Have a batshit crazy dream
Write a Christmas card
Read a lot of 1Q84
Make our annual holiday party pilgrimage to Harlem
Eat my first cookie in about a year
Listen to a really talkative guy talk a LOT
Get home again in under an hour

Go outside while it was still day
Regret being a big lazy bum
Finish 1Q84
Think of a good comeback to the drunk subway couple until after they were gone
Uphold my peanut butter abstention at 2am
Figure out the Christmas presents
Get a dog

Friday, December 9, 2011

See a fully grown woman on the subway with 7-year-old-boy handwriting
Mutter rude things at bad sidewalk walkers
Get praise for rotating a digital cube lickety-split
Demonstrate affection for Awesome Gym Chick with enthusiastic hugs
Get a bit intimidated by Really Strong Girl's very impressive bench press
Do lots of spidermonkeying and rope-jumping
Foam roll every part of my body
Eat damn tasty crispy duck with deep-fried basil leaves
Vow to help bring the phrase "in our cups" back into common parlance
Play with a dog

Offer to accompany Coach to see the Muppet movie should the need arise
Cheat any reps
Answer the third email Lady Boss sent me during my class
Have an actual conversation with Awesome Gym Chick
Finish 1Q84
Figure out Christmas presents
Take the subway home, even though my legs wanted to eat my face
Work on the book
Get a dog of our own

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Get up a little earlier than usual
Maul my upper body with various mobility torture devices
Cause office drama through stupidity
Draft a surprise SWOT analysis that's due tomorrow in ten minutes
Get a holiday bonus
Drink 2 beers in under 2 hours at the office holiday party
Leave the party early to get to the gym late
Do a little loud drunk singing at home

Wear a coat
Learn anything from the drama situation
Quit my job
Say anything too inappropriate at the party
Talk to Acquaintance
Screw up benching the bar because I was a tiny bit drunk
Walk home coatless in the cold
Feel bad

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Get an unsolicited subway smile on the way to work
Show up late and leave early
Diva my way out of a particularly pointless meeting
Keep testing the limit of obnoxious behavior I can get away with
Spot a me-reflection on the train home
Stand up with 240lbs on my back
Finally unrack a bar correctly!
Get positive feedback on internet-me
Walk home in the rain, singing out loud to music no one could hear

Get enough work done
Quit my job
Give the client what he wanted
Screw the office out of pre-tax metrocards again
Show up to the gym too late for mobility work
Have to carry a bag of frozen meat home
Feel overly embarrassed about people reading this here blog
Talk coherently to either of the people who talked to me about it
Get a magic, hypoallergenic dog

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Listen to a stereotypical NYC conversation on the subway
Churn out reams of paperwork
Hurt my knee while sitting at my desk
Break a solemn vow never to get into internet arguments
Watch the blog's happy return to obscurity
Read about research I contributed to on NPR's website
Watch a tv interview of some excellent mustachioed gentlemen I happen to know

Help Subway Single Gal out of her cooking-for-one conundrum
Screw up any important financial stuff
Eat junk food when I got hungry
Hand out any business cards at the after-work meeting
Do any research
Find a new job
Get a dog

Monday, December 5, 2011

Get a jump on more thrilling park research
Fiddle with my mysteriously possibly-recently-broken finger
Only sort of freak out when someone mentioned this blog in public
Frantically re-read everything for dullness and embarrassment (both plentiful!)
Think a bit about why I'm doing this
Get a hug from Long Lost Coworker, returned from down under
Sit next to a pretty mild Subway Weirdo
Eat a bunch of meat

Finish the additional park work
Freak when Bosses decided I should present the park research to the rest of the class
Reassure Underling that she won't be fired
Fix the gaping hole in my jacket
Close down the blog because it's now visible
Succumb to facebookery
Find a better job
Make any friends
Get a dog

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Go outside three whole times
Spend an hour on mobility torture
Enjoy the thrilling conclusion of yesterday's Fun With Dog Allergies
Play with the Husband
Post to the arty blog
Have more slammin' good times at Fairway
Look at the facebook

Get to play with dogs
Hang out in the cemetery
Work on the book
Forget that meatloaf has more ingredients than just meat
Totally OD on the facebook
Convince myself that rejoining it was a good idea
Miss the last few minutes of sunshine
Get sad

Saturday, December 3, 2011

Get up bright and early
Do some work for arty blog
Have a second glorious day off from lifting
Do FOUR unassisted chin ups with only a minute's rest in between
Row a 2k and then some
Walk our neighbors' dogs!
See the Muppets movie, and cry during "Rainbow Connection"
Discover that "Manamana" and "Feliz Navidad" cancel each other out
Eat two dinners

Receive a World's Biggest Sap award, although I think I qualified
Meet any Chalk Objectors
Make eye contact with people who read what I was writing
Avoid exchanging slobbery kisses for clusters of hives
Extend my facebook hiatus
Work on the book

Friday, December 2, 2011

Loom over a kool-aid scented Emo Couple on the subway
Listen to Jonny Polonsky on the train
Sit through Cad Instructor's opening gambit for the third and final time
Draw some stuff pretty fast
Crash on the couch at 5
Sleep for three hours
Go out after dark

Pester Acquaintance with more attempts at connection
Go to the gym
Make dinner
Get out to the water
Get arrested for trespassing on restricted NYPD property
Talk to anybody
Feel sad

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Totally forget to blog!!
Feel amazingly better after a day off from lifting
Send my coach a third email in two days to tell him so
Have a nice, slow day at work for a change
Find out the deadline we frantically met was false
Review the client's dumbed-down version of my powerpoint, now so dumb it's actually wrong
Have time alone at home

Get sucked in to last-minute-proposal mania
Find out if Underling is getting fired
Do kooky mobility work at the office
Get sucked in to last-minute-redesigns because of the delayed deadline
Get sad during my alone time at home
Look at facebook when Husband had it open

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

PDF the rendering I was working on *before* accidentally deleting the PSD
Get a day off from lifting without even asking
Do handstands
Send appropriately giraffe-themed birthday wishes
Volunteer to walk a neighbor's dogs over the weekend
Hurt my shoulder a bit
Tell my coach that my weekend was shit, and why, when he asked

Get a lunch break
Make the joke that Underling was "out sick" because she was out until 5am
Sit next to anyone who smelled like pee on the subway
Make fun of the ten people left in Zuccotti park
Try to hide
Dwell on anything sad

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Get to work on a project with other people in the office
Go to a meeting at an architect's office while wearing day-glo skull knee socks
Refrain from telling Boss Man how my Thanksgiving really was
Wonder what the point of life is if I'm unable to connect with new people
Confide in Husband that my brain might be broken
Take a bath with smelly bath stuff made in part from coffee grounds

Return to the fold of Facebook
Apply for a job at a Doggie Day Care in Red Hook
Perform any of my bookkeeping duties
Hold all the crazy inside
Watch ten episodes of Community
Work on my book
Get a dog

Monday, November 28, 2011

Get a last-minute work assignment that kept me late on the first day back
Get permission to have three whole weeks off at Christmas
Discover that I can still do a chin-up
Polish off a pan of brownies with Husband
Bad-mouth Underling even more
Give a guy on the subway someone to share a laugh with
Wash the dishes

Give in to the siren song of Facebook
Expose myself indecently in any medium
Tell Lady-Boss how my Thanksgiving really was
Wear a clean shirt
Get totally stressed out by work
Ask for a raise
Work on the book
Get a dog

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Sleep in AGAIN
Have some Sunday morning funtimes
Quit the facebook
Buy a notebook
Work on my novel while sitting in the graveyard
Go to Fairway

Do anything I didn't want to do

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Sleep a lot
Drag Husband to the opera
See some pretty awesome puppets
Sleep some during the opera
Remember that Manhattan is sucky and we are happy not to live there
Eat a bag of turkey on the steps of Lincoln Center
Think about quitting facebook because it's evil

Do any work
Do any chores
Make any friends
Feel connected to other people in the world
Hurt myself
Work on the book
Get a dog

Friday, November 25, 2011

Sleep in a lot
Go to the gym and back way off my squat weight
Get a hug from my coach
Eat an awesomely meaty, bloody burger
Emulate a shark
Eat a bag of leftover turkey while sitting on the sidewalk
Put a little piece of my heart on facebook

Break any records
Hurt myself too badly
Get to see the new Muppet movie
Talk to my best friend when she called
Avoid what I feel
Write a novel
Get a dog

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Host my first family Thanksgiving
Give my mom the wrong directions and get her lost
Fill the apartment with smoke
Make a surprisingly successful turkey
Get an early Xmas gift of serving dishes (just in time)
Play with my awesome nephews
Have a dog for a day
Pass out from sugar overdose at 8pm
Go outside eventually

Do even a single chin-up
Let anything get too sad
Check up on possibly still-sick Acquaintance
Make a list of things I'm thankful for
Make very good desserts
Enjoy the dog too much
Think it lasted long enough

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Do a ridiculous amount of baking and food prep in a very short span of time
Secure enough chairs for all our Thanksgiving guests to sit simultaneously
Find the perfect sized container to brine a turkey in the fridge
Sleep in until 9
Walk like a rude New Yorker
Start to suspect that I have a (deservedly) bad reputation at the gym
End up with an aching face from smiling and acting pleasant

Successfully squat 200lbs or press 66lbs
Take good coaching advice when it was given, again
Have to clean very much, thanks to an awesome Husband
Throw out the flowers my mom sent me
Recover from being totally burned out
Let my guard down


Spend 7 more hours revising the powerpoint
Finish all that there work stuff
Have a beer

Remember to blog before bed

Monday, November 21, 2011

After only 64 hours in the office since last Monday: finish the powerpoint
Also get a proposal out the door
Probably get Underling fired
Discover that I grind my teeth when I dream of my Dad

Do anything I was proud of

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Get enough kisses
Eat inadvisable quantities of peanut butter
Spend 7.5 hours at work making more powerpoint slides
Shamelessly incorporate the worst data graphic ever
Get home in time to go to Fairway
Do a chin-up
Request three whole weeks of vacation time
Sit and smell the cemetery before walking home


Saturday, November 19, 2011

Go to the gym even though I was scared to
Get a high five from someone I was nervous about seeing
Squat the heck out of 195lbs
Go to the office all sweaty and gross
Finish one set of powerpoint slides
Delight in some prudy, broody, angsty vampire lovin'
Trigger an audience-wide laugh
Worry slightly about acquaintance on his birthday

Get stuff for Thanksgiving
Hang out with acquaintance
Press 66lbs successfully
Manage to have a simple conversation about a book
Finish the other two sets of powerpoint slides
Make eye contact with someone on the train who wanted me to
Work on my novel
Make new friends
Get a dog

Friday, November 18, 2011

Take the right train this time
Remember a fork
Fall asleep in class
Convince boss-lady to not have me start a new case study the day before the project is due
Manage two co-workers from class
Tell Other Gym Writer that I liked his story
Decide to ditch the gym
Take a couple of hours of my life back

Lift 195lbs
Listen to much of what we were taught
Miss much
Lose my temper with boss-lady when she phoned
Go see awesome live music
Make new friends
Do anything interesting


Yell myself hoarse at the Los Campesinos concert
Jump up and down until my calves hurt
Wear my heart on the outside

Finish enough work to avoid the office over the weekend
See any idiot moshers get seriously hurt
Feel lonely

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Manage to already be late at 5am
Share a good hearty laugh with a German
Turn evil and tap a coworker on vacation to do some of my work
Squat 192.5 lbs
Do a chin-up when it mattered
Learn a new song that starts "Dreidel, Dreidel, Little Star..."

Go crazy yet
Quit my job
Finish anything
End up being late to the gym
Get to talk to Other Gym Writer about his AWESOME short story
Have a magically healed shoulder
Work on my novel
Get a dog

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Get up early
Do a little work before work
Do three chinups
Stretch every hour
Prep for two interviews
Play bookkeeper
Get home before 10

Rat out newly-discovered Secret Smoker
Wait to hear the end of Boss's pointless lecture before interrupting
Keep my mouth shut about OWS
Get home in time for dinner
Spend enough time kissing
Work on my novel
Get a dog

Monday, November 14, 2011

Get the gift of a research assistant at work
Find actual, real information and a potential interview victim for a park in Korea
Schedule an interview for 5:30am on Wednedsay
Give Underling a chance to succeed
Fit four chin-ups into my day
Cheat on free gym chiro with ex-chiro's ex(pensive) chiro replacement, with beautiful results
Wash the dishes

Find a way of contacting Korean Park Guy
Finish any work projects
Do a chin-up during the workday on a downtown scaffolding
Stress out
Have anything go terribly wrong
Work on the novel
Get a dog

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Wake up at 9
Discover that drinking takes away chin-up ability
Invent an awesome hangover lunch
Go on a long, slow, pointless, lovely walk around the neighborhood
Smell that fall finally arrived
Kind of freak out when we met people we knew out in the world
Spend quality time at Fairway
Do most of the dishes even though it wasn't my turn

Successfully nap
Work on arty blog
Feel guilty about watching TV during the day
Fix any of the week's impending work crises
Figure out new and improved day job
Work on my novel
Get a dog


Meet a new chiropractor
Foam roll like a crazy person
Read an awesome short story
Celebrate my sister's birthday by seeing a terrible musical and getting kind of drunk
Have an honest moment of conversation about my brother
Reveal tales of my adult life
Meet someone nice on the subway
Walk home the looong way
Go out for a drink with the husband

Tell new chiro the whole truth
Cancel Monday appt with other chiro
Enjoy Wicked
Forgo dessert
Have a real conversation with Nice Subway Guy
Have to fake enjoyment at spending time with family
Come up with a plan for Thanksgiving
Give up on going out when the husband failed to return my messages for an hour
Work on my novel
Get a dog

Friday, November 11, 2011

Forget where I was going and fail to change trains this morning
Make it to class only 10 minutes late
Forget a fork for lunch
Spend $5 on a fruit salad at Pret in order to procure a fork I didn't realize was freely available
Send about fifty surreptitious emails during class to sort out work crises
Get to the gym at a reasonable time
Bail a squat for the first time ever
Throw a mini-tantrum like a big ol' grownup
Do my two daily chin-ups
Receive pages from Other Gym Writer

Explain why I was late
Manage to correctly draw a chair we'd already drawn before
Learn to estimate dimensions
Hurt the feelings of Work Underling
Punch anything or anyone that could be damaged
Work on my novel
Think of an acceptable alternative day job
Cook dinner
Get a dog

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Do two more chin-ups
Get a shout-out on the gym blog
Do massive amounts of research
Possibly get an assistant for next week
Go outside for ten minutes
Get to be blunt to an underling
Finish rereading my novel-in-progress
Realize it's not half bad

Get a lunch break
Finish researching anything
Schedule any interviews
Say half the mean things I thought
Go to bed on time
Figure out what my new job should be
Get a dog

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Film a single, glorious chinup and post it to fb for praise
Receive praise
Spend a happy few hours thinking about library organization
Convince newly-returned lady-boss to get an extension on Project Impossible
Mostly allow dude-boss to patronizingly explain to me the concept of demographic change
Get to the gym early
Squat 187.5lbs
Wash the dishes

Get to work early, despite waking up at 6:45
Break the yolks of any of my eggs
Do a chin-up in front of my coach when it counted
Tell acquaintance how my weekend really went
Receive promised pages from Other Gym Writer
Get a dog

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Get my first ever very slow, totally unassisted, dead-hang chin-up
Some other stuff
Get a second very slow, totally unassisted, dead-hang chin-up
Wash the dishes

Get that third chin-up

Monday, November 7, 2011

Share my subway seat with a man reading a book on how to be a stockbroker
Spend a record two hours in a staff meeting
Receive lavish praise for mediocre work
Buy opera tickets
Listen to the faraway squeaks and giggles of bathtime
Surprise people with good presents
Make chocolate-pumpkin muffins for coworker's last day

Feel sad
Make any powerpoint slides
Share the mediocre presentation with co-workers
Get in to see chiropractor's replacement
Get to go to the gym
Give up on anything
Work on my novel
Get a dog

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Wake up an hour early because of the time change
Hang out on 4th Ave shouting encouragement to perfect strangers
Accept the offering of not-delicious frittata from our very sweet landlord
Play a game
Watch way too much Community

Get new glasses to replace falling apart pair
Indulge in a sad music fest
Work on my novel in any meaningful way
Get a dog
Cheer up

Saturday, November 5, 2011

Sleep 'til 9
Resume work on wolf video
Discover that my pillow was mildewy
Nap on the back roof in a sunbeam
Find a gorgeous hideout not far from the apartment
Do something scary
Spend another happenin' Saturday night at the grocery store

Accomplish anything
See anyone other than the husband
Finish the wolf video
Work on my novel
Use my time wisely
Make a new friend
Get a dog

Friday, November 4, 2011

Spoon with someone blasting good music through their headphones on the jam-packed subway
Invent snarky names like "Boho Kewpie Doll" for other people on the train
Spend eight hours in a windowless room rehashing material our AutoCAD teacher taught 2 weeks ago
Take up space in the gym even though it was insanely crowded
Squat 182.5
Walk home with husband
Make dinner

Get enough sleep
Work on wolf music video
Have time to listen to what Other Gym Writer thought of my chapters
Give up and cry when it looked like I wouldn't finish lifting because of lack of time
Manage to press 66 pounds overhead the right number of times
Get any complaints about last night's work from lady-boss
Hit anybody
Hang out with acquaintance
Work on my novel
Get a dog


Spend nearly 14 hours in the office
Get outside for almost 10 minutes while it was still day
Miss the last R train to Brooklyn
Come home to a husband and a cooking sausage

Do a very good job on my work project
Manage to get all the data I needed
Trade my kingdom for a lacrosse ball
Do anything but work

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Fall in love with a new song over breakfast
Watch an asshole on the train casually ruin three women's mornings
Turn hours of detailed research into blunt, dumb powerpoint slides
Try to teach a girl in the office that eating enough is ok
Squat 178lbs
Give a story to fellow writer at the gym even though he didn't reciprocate as promised
Find out that acquaintance was appreciative, not alienated
Start to make a friend
Wash the dishes

Leave the house on time
Finish today's workload
Talk to lady-boss
Chicken out of anything
Eat any peanut butter
Work on novel
Figure out what to be when I grow up
Get a dog

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Indulge nervous stomach before interviewing someone for work
Receive unsolicited fan-mail about arty blog
Get several hugs from lady-boss in exchange for several weeks' work
Discover that chiropractor has left his own practice
Waste an hour in a staff meeting
Make coworkers laugh
Read on the subway
Watch tv
Clean the dishes

Finish anything
Give up on work project when interview proved less than useful
Give change to panhandlers even though I enjoyed their music
Give in to November sadness, despite waking up with Tom Waits in my head
Go to the gym
Work on novel
Get a dog

Monday, October 31, 2011

Spend 30 minutes before work fixing blog appearance
Think of new story idea about people who eat pain
Research transparent post-it notes for possible art project
Go to work
Get embarrassingly hyped up on decaf coffee in the afternoon
Email friend in Minnesota instead of working
Pick the worst night ever to retrieve hemmed pants
See a lot of people in costume
Get lost trying to use the 14th Street subway to cross 6th Ave
Make dinner

Tell annoying co-worker to stuff it
Apologize to acquaintance for earlier fb message
Dress up
Watch the Halloween parade
Carve pumpkins in time for nonexistent trick-or-treaters
Figure out what to be when I grow up
Work on novel
Get a dog

Sunday, October 30, 2011

three-day weekend

Drive out to Jersey to pick pumpkins
Run through a corn maze, breaking all the rules
Get stuck in traffic on the way back
Make it to the gym just in time
Squat 175 lbs
Bring stories to exchange in case fellow writer was there (he wasn't)

Go to work
Sit in a windowless room learning AutoCAD
Figure out what to be when I grow up
Work on my novel
Get a dog

Write fb message to acquaintance I like, offering personal support/admiration (awkward!!)
Walk through the cemetery in the snow and take pictures (to post on facebook, obvs)
Start making stop-motion music video of small plastic animals
Play board games with the husband
Go grocery shopping at 9pm
Ridicule the b*tch in front of me in line who wouldn't get off her cell phone
Make the cashier smile

Successfully make friends with acquaintance instead of alienating him
Figure out what I want to be when I grow up
Work on my novel
Get a dog

Post to arty blog
Continue shooting frames of plastic animals
Eat food that pissed off my digestive system
See one good dance piece and three mediocre ones at Fall For Dance
Wash the dishes
Start new time-wasting blog about wasted time

Attempt further contact with acquaintance - enough is enough!
Thank my in-laws for birthday card
Pick up pants from store (getting hemmed)
Look for new glasses to replace scratched-up pair that falls off my head
Clean anything
Figure out what to be when I grow up
Work on my novel
Get a dog