Monday, April 30, 2012

Come up with the genius plan of taking the morning off
Get almost nearly enough sleep
Mindlessly fill in excel worksheets at work
Read a bunch of my book
Watch a sizable chunk of tv

Have any idea how tired I was until getting off the subway
Resist the siren song of caffeine
Go to the gym
Complete a job application for a job in St Paul
Write back to Directress

Sunday, April 29, 2012

Brave the morning crowd at Fairway
Show up 6 hours early for strike to "organize"
Kill many hours at a suburban mall
See The Raven
Avoid being called onstage for parting gifts
Run a pretty efficient strike (with Husband's help)

Get out of the theater around 1:30 am
Spend an hour driving around Manhattan trying to get home
Thank the actors
Stay up, wired, until 4 or so
Wake up at 10 actually looking my age
Take a long walk
Crash on the couch
Clean the heck

Bother with Saturday's blog
Write post-mortem notes to the producer/directress
Ever quite decide about going to work tomorrow
Keep track of all the things I didn't do

Saturday, April 28, 2012

Friday, April 27

Sleep in a bit
Plan the heck out of tomorrow night's strike
Clean a pool of blood out of the refrigerator
Contemplate washing our bedding
Read about personality types
Escape to the cemetery for half an hour to finish my book
Lift weights
Eat dinner on the G train
Hit up Newly-Ex Coworker's final celebration
Have a fun, animated conversation about theater with Newly-Ex Coworker's fiance

Get dumb drunk off of beer
Alienate people by being negative
Resist the temptation to bring That Guy along to make the fun more fun
Convince That Guy to help with strike
Get a good read on which actors are going to ditch tomorrow
Hurt myself
Let anybody down

Friday, April 27, 2012

Thursday, April 26

Scrape together the little work I could find
See an allergist
Pay too much in copays for drugs
Go out to celebrate Co-Worker's imminent departure
Avoid giving Boss-Lady the impression that I will be her new BFF
Go out for post-celebration celebrations
Default to making funny but negative comments about the office
Wish I were less of a jerk

Remember how to spin out an anecdote
Remember the names of the characters in Zoo Story
Avoid drinking too much
Take any risks
Do anything creative
Wash the dishes
Remember to blog

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Complete two proposals and a presentation
Have a fun lunchtime bitch session with She Who Leaves Tomorrow
Leave work early to repair flood damage at the church
Fix the floor, tape it, paint it, detail it, and focus a light in under an hour
Get to leave before dark

Realize there was a performance tonight until someone tried to buy a ticket from me
Quite stop myself from making fun of Directress
Make a chiro appointment
Write a story
Get a dog

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Share a train car with a lot of familiar strangers
Laze my way through a Bookkeeping Tuesday
Do some crazy twisty pilates stuff
Leave a small pile of sweaty clothes in Body Shaman's office
Leave her an incoherent voice message about it hours later
Come home to a working bathroom sink!
Make an allergist appointment

Mention to Body Shaman that it hurts to bend my neck to the side
Quite believe her when she asserted that I am Healed
Convey my disbelief
Schlep out to Jersey to clean up the slightly flooded theater
Lie and say I was too busy to come out tomorrow night
Manage to remember what the essay I thought of on the way home was about so I could write it

Monday, April 23, 2012

Kind of forget that showing up slightly less late than usual is still late
Finish the presentation more than 10 minutes before it was due
Get to see people get excited about the design that was my idea
Call an abrupt end to a staff meeting
Lift with New Coach for the first time
Self-correct some problem positions
Remember just how great eating and showering can be

Get the gift of a working sink
Quite finish writing minutes before the staff meeting
Get to appear un-useless in the staff meeting
Let New Coach believe the stupid accidental lies I told her
Make a strike list
Write a story
Get a dog

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Sleep late
Laze around
Watch some AWESOME videos
Spend about 20 solid minutes making elephant noises with Husband
Do some chores

Write any stories
Look for new jobs
Make progress on getting a dog
Fix the curtainrod I accidentally ripped from the wall
Prepare to possibly give a presentation tomorrow
Hang out with That Guy - mostly because it was rainy and cold
Make any major life decisions

Saturday, April 21

Wake up at 8
Notice how the morning smells different than the rest of the day
Enjoy reading my book
Nap for 3 hours in the middle of the day
Clean the apartment a bit
Succumb to guilt and drag Husband out to see the play
Notice that half the dimmers weren't working
Fix it during intermission
Take pictures
Walk home in the start of the rain

Do any wholesome Earth Day volunteering
Get herbs to plant in pots
Go grocery shopping
Take advantage of the weather by playing outside
Smack the SM when she whined about the lights not being her fault
Hang out and socialize afterwards

Friday, April 20, 2012

Volunteer to go in to work
Have a really fun day there
Use CAD a little
Draw some stuff in Illustrator
Go to the gym
Lift weights without hurting myself at all
Get a super-hard high five
Set up the first session with New Coach for Monday

Sleep in
Stay longer than planned at work
Get to actually sketch any proposed concepts
Feel any disappointment about that
Waste the day
Play with dogs

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Get thoroughly bored at work
Sketch some design ideas for a project
Leave them where people could see them
Get rewarded
Volunteer to go in on Friday

Respond graciously to an unexpected compliment
Go see my show
Write back to New Coach with all the deets
Play with dogs

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Listen to two girls bitch about Crossfit on the subway platform
Show up to work egregiously late
Somehow find stuff to do all day
Miss out on the sketch session for my project to assemble a last-minute presentation
Almost set up a first session with a new coach
Go out for drinks after work
Drink a giant beer and instantly get a headache
Talk to the newest employee in our office for the first time
Lose at Mr. Jack

Avoid being the downer at the drinks party
Quit or get fired
Get useful information out of city agencies
Decide to interview to be a bike rack inspector for DOT
Do all my mobility work like a good girl
Lift weights
Write a story
Get a dog

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Waffle about what to wear for fully 10 minutes
End up weirdly grumpy all day
Frustrate Body Shaman
Play Health Insurance Detective
Screw up the payroll
Prematurely send an email to Possible New Coach
Kill another evening with napping and tv

Act like a total jerk to everybody
Make my fingers stop going numb
Decide what to do about the gym
Manage to fix my screw-up
Lift weights
Do fun things
Feel useful

Monday, April 16, 2012

Get praised by Lady Boss for showing initiative
Get chided by Lady Boss for being useless/introverted
Strongly consider telling Lady Boss she can just fire me
Look for other jobs
Cook dinner
Waste the evening on the intarwebs

Find a new job elsewhere
Decide if I'm brave enough for the gym tomorrow
Figure out if I care enough about the producer's opinion of me to go see the play I worked on
Write a story
Remember to get a lightbulb for the stove hood
Feel omnicompetent

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Sleep even more
Wander around with Husband
Eat more bread products
Go a little crazy with being idle
Hit up Fairway
Watch some Buffy

Write a story
Clean the apartment
Get a dog
Check in to see how the show went

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Get 10 hours of sleep
Lay around the park reading books and making fun of people
Kick a soccer ball around with Husband
Go out for burgers and a movie with That Guy
Get sunburned
Take my first motorcycle ride
Do pretty much exactly what I wanted all day long

Work on any projects
Get a dog
Spontaneously develop the ability to solve That Guy's problems
Discover that non-homogenized milk is magically digestible
Waste the day

Friday, April 13, 2012

Sleep for 9.5 hours
Wake up to eat
Contemplate going to the zoo
Have a 2 hour nap
Go to the gym for the first time since March 9
Lift some light weights

Go see opening night of my show
Receive any emergency calls from the SM
Say hi to people who I know more or less like me
Get hurt
Have anyone tell me I should be seeking therapy instead of training
Feel sad

Thursday, April 12

Get called for the night's rehearsal at 9am
Let the SM know that notice that late is not really ok
Get "LOL"ed in return
Do things on my long-term, if-I-have-time work list
Fix some lights and some cues, rebuild a bench and do a crash course in upholstery
Chafe at being called "Wonder Woman" again
Alter some cues the SM just can't handle
Walk out of the church basement for the last time until strike
Eat smoked salmon, ice cream, beer, and chocolate for dinner
Stay up super late

Eat the SM's heart in the marketplace
Express any negative attitude whatsoever while in the theater
Stay for the second run-through
Fall asleep at work or on various trains
Have to wait forever for the PATH train
Miss the last R to Brooklyn
Go to bed until 2am

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Somehow manage not to fall asleep at work
Watch the hours dribble past
Have an evening to myself

Go to the theater for the first day in a week or so
Use a wrench or any gaff tape
Get any panicked calls from the SM
Have to run anywhere or be late to anything

Tuesday, April 10

Play hooky
Go to Body Shaman and get un-twisted
Listen to a world-weary 19 year old on the train
Finally buy some decent-looking work clothing
Nap hard
Forget that lots of people drive from NYC to NJ around 6pm
Fix the main lighting problems
Possibly fix some cues with the scatterbrained SM
Do a lot of highly adaptable driving
Hear that someone from the gym remembers me!

Successfully make conversation with Body Shaman
Fall asleep while she worked on me
Forget to eat and then consequently despair
Save any time at all by driving
Freak out when all my normal routes were closed
Sleep enough
Get the SM to sit down and focus
Give notes that would have been helpful but resentfully ignored
Enjoy or participate in the vitriolic post-run bitch-fest

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Monday, April 9

Shower when I realized I was still covered in lead paint bits
Manage not to fall asleep while sitting at my desk
Do some thrilling paperwork
Enjoy sitting
Leave work early to go to rehearsal
Almost get the SM to understand her cues
Make an effort to call actors by their actual names
Get to feel competent and fix things
Have the best subway luck ever
Still get home after midnight

Take the best care of my body
OD on caffeine
Eat birthday cake instead of dinner
Get enough done

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Sleep in until 8:30
Do some chores before heading to work
Program the light board, write cue times, sync with sound, make cue sheets and a magic sheet
Fix the crack, photograph the "grid", hang some pictures
Leave at 4pm!
Cruise through Fairway
Drive recklessly
Fail to nap
Eat a bunch of delicious ice cream

Have to encroach on the Sunday School group
OD on caffeine
Remember to eat until about 3:30
Dye or hide any eggs
Totally miss the sun being up
Manage to get some decent work clothes after tech
Get in any accidents
See family
Give enough love

Saturday, April 7, 2012

Get to the church basement at 8:30 for a 9:00 level-setting
Check my watch with irritation when no one showed up at 9
Mostly run a cue-to-cue
Blow our stage manager's mind by knowing how to use the (very simple) light board
Get told that my set is better than the actors
Leave at 6:30
Eat hot food at home with Husband
Watch the best Community to date

Get new clothes appropriate for work
Electrocute anybody
Lose patience
Doubt for a moment that I could do anything that was necessary
Back down from giving Directress authoritative notes
Get through the second act
Careen crazily into the walls of any of the 10 miles of tunnels I drove through
Read a book
Enjoy the sun
Play with dogs

Friday, April 6, 2012

Spend about 12 hours or so in the church basement
Hang a lot of lights
Do some fun midair troubleshooting of dimmers
Pretend I know what I'm doing with gel color
Attempt to move ladders quietly so as not to disturb parishioners
Inhale a lifetime's worth of lead paint bits

Permanently break much of the drop ceiling
Rely on the subway to get home this time
Eat enough
Sit down during those 12 hours
Let them talk me into last-minute stage managing

Thursday, April 5

Make a mad dash to 34th street during lunch
Get utterly flummoxed by B&H Photo's "efficiency system"
Bookkeep more
Head to the set after work
Get trapped by Vietnamese congregants and a priest hearing confession
Paint some stuff
Get the producer to set up the dimmers
Decide to maybe give blogging a break during tech week

Actually catch the last magic R train to brooklyn
Have to race through Cortland street
Figure out how the heck to light this show
Hurt myself too much yet
Get home after midnight
Do anything but work

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Dress nice
Get grilled at our client interview
Hurt myself doing recommended stretches
Send a reasonable email to Body Shaman that made me feel like a dick
Learn that ArchiGirl is quitting
Go to rehearsal
Watch Directress behave so poorly that my jaw dropped
Race through Cortland Street Station to get the downtown R again

Have to get off at Rector and walk to the 2/3 this time
Express any sympathy to those poor actors
Do any more stretching
Come off like a total moron in the interview (maybe?)
Learn to deal in vagaries
Give up the blog because it's tech week

Tuesday, April 3

Mostly do bookkeeping all day
See Body Shaman
Forget to blog

Get fixed
Let her know quite how much it hurt
Go to rehearsal after work
Forget or celebrate 2 birthdays

Monday, April 2, 2012

Kind of enjoy how much my back hurt
Finish the research project
Have a phone call with a client in which I didn't sound like a moron
Get Boss's attention when I needed it
Leave work early to have a nap on an ice pack
Heal through the magic of sleep, ice, and ibuprofin

Get derailed by admin/bookeeping requests
Forget anything major
Even think about trying to lift anything heavyish
Let my jade plant die yet
Do anything cool with my Monday night alone
Feel sad

Sunday, April 1

Reassemble a bunch of junk into an ok looking set
Crawl around on the floor painting baseboard lines
See The Hunger Games
Leave the theatre in lots o' pain

Remember to blog At All
Work for 6 whole hours
Get up stupid early
Try to move the rug alone again

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Saturday, March 31

Get up at 7
Spend 12 hours in a church basement working on something unimportant
React with indignation when Directress used my screwdriver as a paint stick
Paint some stuff
Build some stuff
Remember that I used to lift heavy things
Fence the performance space off with plastic chairs to fend off Sunday schoolers
Come home, after more than an hour on four trains, to a Husband bearing dinner and kisses
Have beer

Spend any time with Husband
Spend any time outside
Walk away in response to Directress's various antics
Work on anything important to me
Have an entirely bad time