Sunday, August 19, 2012

August 17-19, 2012

Sleep a LOT
Have a sore throat the whole weekend
Schedule a cortisone shot for next Tuesday
Send overdue thank-you notes
Clean and put away all the camping gear
See a neighborhood Soap Box Car Derby
Hang out watchin' movies at the gym on Saturday night
Play with Herschel
Repot our overgrown jade plant
Explore additional degree options
Nap on the fire escape
Miss the woods
Fix our TV
Figure out that this blog is valuable to me
Resurrect it

Mope excessively at being back
Lift any weights
Read enough
Make any rash decisions
Work on the book
Hang out with people
Commit murder while at Fairway

August 13 - 17, 2012

Suddenly get an unofficial promotion to Renderer
Get temporarily put in charge of the office?
Get in way over my head
Gradually get sick just from being back in NYC
Take initiative
Make exciting plans for two weeks from now
Do some excellent work for Husband's birthday
Find the best present ever
Get mildly rebuked for sarcasm in work emails
Successfully act like a project manager
Insinuate myself into other people's work
Know what was going on
Feel a bit guilty about ditching work on Friday

Go to work on Friday
Deal with all the menial tasks people wanted me to do
Completely lose the sense of competence and relaxation from vacation
Work through lunch
Stay insanely late
Lose perspective
Care very much

8/4/12-8/12/12: Vacation!

Treat the car like a giant backpack
Hike up two tiny "mountains"
Kayak 6 miles in 4 hours and explore a teeny island
Discover crazy new bugs and the Meadow Jumping Mouse
Play pattycake with some animal on the wall of the tent
Discover that squats are excellent prep for peeing in the woods
Read many books
Cook breakfast on a waterfall
Hike in the rain
Ditch camp to see two movies
Incur major wrath by eating boil-in-bag meals involving dairy products
See about thirty different frogs
Fall for a wonderful walking stick, and leave it behind for other travelers
Take many dips
Convince Husband to swim with me to an island
Exclaim over teeny snakes
Get attacked by exceedingly devious grass seed heads
Eat wild blackberries by a beaver pond
Slosh across many beaver dams and rain-slick trees
Find some truly remarkable outhouses
Meet a few fellow hikers
Finally do an actual backpacking trip
Make new jokes about the fundamental necessity of algebra
Cultivate very strong smells
Feed a few thousand blackflies

Do the usual overly-anal packing job for car camping
See any megafauna
Get nearly as soggy as possible
Sleep through the giant thunderstorms
Actually take entertaining cartoony pratfalls that seemed imminent
Offer to help a particularly glum hiker
Take advice about seeing waterfalls
Stay at the easy places that came before the good places
Ever see the GIANT BIRDS we flushed out of the woods
Call Husband's mom on her birthday
Forget to take pictures
Sit with the giant stuffed lumberjack at the Lumberjack Inn
Explain to the locals what Moonrise Kingdom was about
Manage to stick with the awesome Quebequois radio station
Get to do enough
Decide to never come home

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Decide that blogvacation can start a week before proper vacation

Let anybody know