Saturday, December 3, 2011

Get up bright and early
Do some work for arty blog
Have a second glorious day off from lifting
Do FOUR unassisted chin ups with only a minute's rest in between
Row a 2k and then some
Walk our neighbors' dogs!
See the Muppets movie, and cry during "Rainbow Connection"
Discover that "Manamana" and "Feliz Navidad" cancel each other out
Eat two dinners

Receive a World's Biggest Sap award, although I think I qualified
Meet any Chalk Objectors
Make eye contact with people who read what I was writing
Avoid exchanging slobbery kisses for clusters of hives
Extend my facebook hiatus
Work on the book


  1. Oh noes. So you are back on Facebook now?

  2. I'm pretending I went back for a "visit," and that it won't be a regular thing. Maybe it'll turn out to be true?
