Sunday, August 19, 2012

August 17-19, 2012

Sleep a LOT
Have a sore throat the whole weekend
Schedule a cortisone shot for next Tuesday
Send overdue thank-you notes
Clean and put away all the camping gear
See a neighborhood Soap Box Car Derby
Hang out watchin' movies at the gym on Saturday night
Play with Herschel
Repot our overgrown jade plant
Explore additional degree options
Nap on the fire escape
Miss the woods
Fix our TV
Figure out that this blog is valuable to me
Resurrect it

Mope excessively at being back
Lift any weights
Read enough
Make any rash decisions
Work on the book
Hang out with people
Commit murder while at Fairway

August 13 - 17, 2012

Suddenly get an unofficial promotion to Renderer
Get temporarily put in charge of the office?
Get in way over my head
Gradually get sick just from being back in NYC
Take initiative
Make exciting plans for two weeks from now
Do some excellent work for Husband's birthday
Find the best present ever
Get mildly rebuked for sarcasm in work emails
Successfully act like a project manager
Insinuate myself into other people's work
Know what was going on
Feel a bit guilty about ditching work on Friday

Go to work on Friday
Deal with all the menial tasks people wanted me to do
Completely lose the sense of competence and relaxation from vacation
Work through lunch
Stay insanely late
Lose perspective
Care very much

8/4/12-8/12/12: Vacation!

Treat the car like a giant backpack
Hike up two tiny "mountains"
Kayak 6 miles in 4 hours and explore a teeny island
Discover crazy new bugs and the Meadow Jumping Mouse
Play pattycake with some animal on the wall of the tent
Discover that squats are excellent prep for peeing in the woods
Read many books
Cook breakfast on a waterfall
Hike in the rain
Ditch camp to see two movies
Incur major wrath by eating boil-in-bag meals involving dairy products
See about thirty different frogs
Fall for a wonderful walking stick, and leave it behind for other travelers
Take many dips
Convince Husband to swim with me to an island
Exclaim over teeny snakes
Get attacked by exceedingly devious grass seed heads
Eat wild blackberries by a beaver pond
Slosh across many beaver dams and rain-slick trees
Find some truly remarkable outhouses
Meet a few fellow hikers
Finally do an actual backpacking trip
Make new jokes about the fundamental necessity of algebra
Cultivate very strong smells
Feed a few thousand blackflies

Do the usual overly-anal packing job for car camping
See any megafauna
Get nearly as soggy as possible
Sleep through the giant thunderstorms
Actually take entertaining cartoony pratfalls that seemed imminent
Offer to help a particularly glum hiker
Take advice about seeing waterfalls
Stay at the easy places that came before the good places
Ever see the GIANT BIRDS we flushed out of the woods
Call Husband's mom on her birthday
Forget to take pictures
Sit with the giant stuffed lumberjack at the Lumberjack Inn
Explain to the locals what Moonrise Kingdom was about
Manage to stick with the awesome Quebequois radio station
Get to do enough
Decide to never come home

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Decide that blogvacation can start a week before proper vacation

Let anybody know

Sunday, July 29, 2012

Saturday & Sunday, July 28 & 29

See a friend's play at Lincoln Center
Accidentally avoid several rainstorms
Watch a lot of Olympics
Nap in the park
Reluctantly admit that squats are not helping
Finish the camping meal planning
Really wish we were already gone

Finish supplying or making lists
Follow through on emails to peeps
Successfully do birthday prep
Remember about jury duty until the last minute
Sew Husband's pants for him
Do enough PT stuff

Friday, July 27, 2012

Make the stupidest, unthinking e-commerce decision ever
Head downtown to a coworker's farewell lunch
Get an excellently punny package
Laze around reading and napping
Waste a lot of time at the gym
Squat more, hurt more
Make fun of athletes' costumes
Demonstrate mundane love

Find out if my boneheadedness will have consequences
Get sucked into the usual last-minute office frenzy
Find out about the bloody MRI
Get through much of my to-do list
Retain the conviction that squatting is a great idea
Make progress toward doing stuff that scares me

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Wear my pretty party dress
Make some exciting zoning diagrams
Write a public participation plan
Throw together some promo materials
Make coworkers laugh
Point out something BossMan was missing
Actually get him to say that I made a good point
Finish my 40 hour workweek
Resist LadyBoss's rabid desire that I come in tomorrow

Find out the MRI results
Want to seem naggy by calling a second time about it
Leave work before 8
Spend any time outside
Get rained on noticeably
Do anything brave

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Work on four different projects, plus bookkeeping
Finally get a big-girl bank login
Attempt to find out my MRI results
Enjoy having DOMS for the first time in a while
Receive powdered eggs and more trail guides in the mail
Work on breaking in my weight belt

Get enough sleep
Snap at people who have no idea that I'm not just a bookkeeper
Get through to the Dr
Win a mighty battle against Acrobat's reluctance to compress pdfs
Lose anything major when my deskmate turned off my power strip
Eat any birthday cake
Work on any personal projects

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Walk 4 miles in blistery shoes
Have black sooty feet by the time I got to our meeting
Give a totally confident presentation
Get compliments on my maps
Descend into the chthonic depths of a year of old bookkeeping forms
Manage to get BossMan to do what I needed before 7pm
Go to the gym
Get complimented on my lifting technique

Wear my new party-ish dress, for fear of looking like a goofy amateur
Rescue someone's keys from the middle of the street
Sweat the unintended redundancy of the meeting materials, despite BossMan's glare
Get out meeting minutes in a timely fashion
Hesitate to admit my mistakes
Take anything personally
Manage to keep double overhand grip for a deadlift set of 5 at 175lbs
Throttle Husband's obviously single boss for calling us at 10:50pm

Monday, July 24

Spend 11 hours at work
Discover and freely admit to a sizeable screwup on taxes
Eventually develop a storyline for the morning's presentation
Wallow in the sappy awesomeness of The Newsroom

Get to actually think about the project instead of the presentation
Meet with sub-boss about the project he wants me to manage
Think about non-work stuff

Sunday, July 22, 2012

Do the chores that hadn't happened yet
Watch some strong ladies fight some heavy barbells
Ditch early after the best stuff
Run errands
Work on the book for an hour
Write about the narrator taking a nap, because I was sleepy
Crash out asleep on the living room floor while Husband made dinner
Get all serious for a minute or two

Do a lot of other things that were on the to do list
Break in my new belt
Figure out anything of great importance
Get MRI results
Plan sufficiently for the camping trip
Melt into a sweaty pile of sweat
Want the weekend to end

Saturday, July 21, 2012

Have a lazy morning
Leave the house at 1 and stay out until 9
Pretend to be New Yorkers
See a fantastic movie
People watch
Hang out with little kids on rocks in Central Park
Slide down the rocks on our butts
Have a pretty fantastic day

Do anything on a to-do list

Friday, July 20, 2012

Get injected with strange liquid
Walk slowly on a treadmill while wearing two tents
Lay in a magnetic tube for an hour listening to it make a hideous racket
Eventually wander out of the building and get rained on a lot
Try on seemingly every piece of clothing in the 34th St Macy's petites department
Triumph in my multi-year quest to find a not-indecent white shirt
Wear a hoodie, jeans, and socks without sweating
Go on an after-hours mission to procure chocolate

Work on the book
Come up with a Super Awesome Plan for Husband's birthday
Go to the gym
Type up recipes
Run any errands or do any chores
Successfully convince a passerby that he won't find a taxi where I live

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Type up a bunch of recipes after blogging last night
Make some decent looking maps
Take way too long to do it
Finally sort through the pile of reports a client's intern sent me
Confirm tomorrow's MRI twice, once with someone who thought it was for my arm
Accidentally forget to leave work until 8
Find something to be too salty for the first time in years
Lay around like slime mold watching Whip It
Fantasize about doing roller derby

Go outside to enjoy the not-swelteringness
Let Ladyboss derail my fun work with boring admin junk
Have good luck at ordering sporty-looking clothes from a website
Figure out what's coming next after this phase of life
Figure out how to get a dog

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Make it to work on time 2 days in a row
Do some actually productive work
Foist a huge heap of paperwork on the intern
Get distracted by the thunderstorm
Burn out early
Take a train wreck of a nap
Indulge in watching the lives of fictional Brits
Write a snotty facebook comment on a former friend's post

Remember to ice my hip before work
Make an ass of myself on either of two conference calls
Figure out an ongoing graphics/framing problem
Work on the book
Type up recipes
Apply for a production manager job
Make any major life decisions
Stop thinking about opportunity costs

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Friday, July 13 - Tuesday, July 17

Take a blog vacation
Lift at mostly-ex-gym
Have a nice talk with ex-new-coach about squatting on a hurt hip
Schedule an MRI
Spend the weekend whacking my nephews with foam swords and throwing them in pools
Watch the 9 year old devour my friend's book
Play hooky Monday morning and still work 8.5 hours
Get summoned for jury duty
Suffer through a performance review
Confess that I think anyone could do what I can do, and get a 9% raise anyway
Give unsolicited gym advice like a punk

Work on the book at all
Give a definitive answer about going "full time" again
Quite get a continuous 5-rep set of deadlift at 170
Tell snotty trainer at the new gym that yes, she does actually know me
Figure out how to describe a data geography question to a steering committee
Observe much interesting train behavior
Get around to typing a mini-cookbook for some new psuedo-paloeites

Friday, July 13, 2012

Thursday, July 12

Finish my book three minutes into the morning ride
Start work on an end product way in advance
Keep it a secret from the office so they're not scandalized
File everything!
Take steps toward revolutionizing the office calendar system
Actually get organized
Set a new sudoku PR on the train home
Crash through the last 3 episodes of Downton Abbey

Remember to put the ice cup back in the freezer this morning
Offer my seat to a pregnant lady on the train
Leave the office and go outside
Prepare for next week's performance review at all
Sass anyone much
Sound like a moron
Get the blog post up in time because I was brain dumping to Husband

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Avoid getting sucked in to a third day of bookkeeping
Impress Boss Man with my fancy-pants spreadsheet skillz
Get away with a surprising amount of sass
Escape the office for lunch
Get to concentrate on a single task for three whole hours!
Make progress on two projects
Fail to discuss a third new project
Watch some fascinating gym antics after work
Row, squat, deadlift, and do some push-ups amid the bros

Disappoint anyone, including myself
Apologize for the sass
Learn to fly
Hurt myself
Kidnap a little dog on the way home

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Manage to make other people apologize to me for something I kind of screwed up
Agree to something I really don't have time for
Spend the day in a frenzy ping-ponging between bookkeeping and project phone calls
Cry in the bathroom as a follow-up to last night
Get a lot of facebook love
Accurately predict that one of my coworkers was quitting
Stay late to work on ridiculously finicky invoices

Get nearly enough sleep
Convince anyone on the project that I'm not a moron
Manage to avoid scheduling a performance review
Go to the gym after work, although it would have been great
Figure out if I'm satisfied or dissatisfied, or what to do about it
Make time to write
Apply for a PM job at Columbia
Appreciate the good stuff enough

Monday, July 9

Get inadvertently snarled at on the train
Deal with Boss Man's slightly manic side
Finally get him to understand my uber spreadsheet
Go out after work
Remember that I know some people doing some pretty cool stuff
Know that I chose this little life, and I pretty much like it

Get sad or jealous hearing about people who are making it in theatre
Panic and forego the whole social occasion
Manage to convey why supporting industrial use in Gowanus is good
Make or witness scintillating conversation
Go to bed nearly on time

Sunday, July 8, 2012

Saturday-Sunday, July 7 & 8

Do a little writing
Give in to ice cream, with disastrous effect
See an excellent Malvolio
Stay up late reading Measure for Measure and wishing for rain
Experience some new NYC summer odors
Do some chores
Go to the beach!
Walk around in my parents' footsteps some more
Have a decent email exchange with my sister
Succumb to the pleasure of shows about servants

Accidentally get divorced during Saturday Afternoon Doom
Get to do the celebratory rain dance
Make my shoulder stop freaking
Responsibly do PT exercises
Go to the gym
Get reprimanded by MoM for not telling her about my hip
Write enough
Figure out how to get a dog
Say hello to the guy climbing around just under our window

Saturday, July 7, 2012

Friday, July 6

Kill a couple of hours at work
Demonstrate sustained hip discomfort sufficiently to merit an MRI
Confirm that a high salt, high fat diet can coexist with awesome blood pressure
Share a Wodehouse moment on the train
Lift some weights
Observe a funeral for a Harley rider
Crash for a sweaty couch nap
Bug the neighbors by singing bad songs loudly while cooking

Have anything coherent to say about the effect of physical therapy
Get flummoxed by that
Take advantage of a relatively cool evening
Lift with people I know and like
Feel like further damaging my hip was worth worrying about

Thursday, July 5, 2012

Slather myself in sunscreen and wear a hoodie to work
Analyze workshop materials
Keep some books
Invest in better sunscreen and aloe lotion
Do PT exercises (but not all of them)

Spend any time outside
Jump in any waves
Do much worth blogging about

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Discover that the Jacob Riis beach is way better than Coney Island
Spend 5 hours laying in the sand and jumping waves in the ocean
Get pretty awesomely sunburned
Fall asleep waiting for dinner to be delivered
Watch a pretty good movie
Affirm that clandestine fireworks are better

Even think to invite people to come with us
Worry about paleo purity
Grill anything
Do anything remotely patriotic
Have a bad time even a little bit

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Finish with PT for now
Give an intern a key
Leave the office at 2
Take a paid midafternoon nap
Hike to the gym and return with a backpack o' meat and lots of veggies
Watch way too much Louie
Actually make plans for tomorrow

Use my surprise afternoon off productively
Inquire about the boxer mix in the park
Destroy the two people who jumped the line in the bank
Remember to ask if the PT will communicate with the ortho
Finish nervously rehearsing for that appointment on Friday
Stick around to listen to our neighbors' whole pre-party sound check

Monday, July 2, 2012

Cut a chunk out of my ankle in an attempt to be presentable
Secure my reputation with a project team as being kind of dumb
Flub a conference call with eight other people on it
Go to the gym
Squat 95lbs 15 times without pain
Go home happy

Figure out how to fix the scanner for the intern
Resolve the topic of the call
Work on my other project
Play with dogs
Go to bed early enough

Sunday, July 1, 2012

Finally get enough sleep
Wake up un-sicked
Talk to MoM when she called
Avoid telling her about my hip without arousing suspicion
Pass on roller derby tickets for a chance to babysit my nephews
Write for about 3 hours when Husband took the cable modem to the laundromat
Remember we live near a beach
Swim in the ocean

Manage to connect with That Guy or write more about his idea
Go to a dog adoption fair in Manhattan
Do panicky research into better campsites for August
Waste the entire weekend after all

Saturday, June 30, 2012

Follow the PT's command to try squatting
Love it and also regret it a bit
Bail on our evening plans

Hook up with That Guy to discuss his awesome idea
Work on the book even though I was in the house all day
Act like a grownup with a cold instead of a whiny kid
Completely neglect my chores
Become a fan of 90 degree weather

Friday, June 29, 2012

Get an emailed hypothetical business pitch from That Guy
Possibly watch a woman abandon her kid in the subway (but probably not)
Endure the PT trying to dislodge my pesky femur from my hip joint
Ice a lot
Get cleared to try squats
Punch Husband in the foot for re-en-sicking us with another mild cold
Go bathing suit shopping
Discover that sweat interferes with my trackpad

Actually make it to the evening lap swim
Ascertain whether the kid was older than he appeared
Say anything after seeing something
Work on the book
Figure out how That Guy's brilliant idea could work
Go by the gym
Ice enough to make it not sore

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Walk three or so miles before going to the office
Tabulate some survey results
Upload 240 pictures from last night's workshop
Geek out on delineating project area boundaries for data collection
Feel a little sick
Wait on the corner for 5 minutes so I wouldn't have to chat with our landlord
Return to a sweaty, sweaty house

Respond to any of the "Obamacare isn't a big deal" people
Sit silently through our client meeting
Know what to do with my blank
Leave when I said I was going to
Pay much heed to the mention of a possible raise

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Spend 13 or so hours at work
Give 10 and 5 minute calls to get people to leave on time
Put together a pretty darn good public meeting
Devour lamb meatballs at home

Completely restrain myself from laughing at Boss Man's running-mouth affliction
Go outside
Screw around much at all
Forget to blog

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Stand watch over a bunch of slow readers on the train
Do half-depth lunges!
Get that deeper-than-pain pukey feeling
Work work work
Sing about evil, scurvy love

Nap in the stairwell
Get out of work before 8:30
Go to the gym
Dazzle anyone with my phone-scrabble prowess
Go outside much

Monday, June 25, 2012

Regret all that peanut butter
Remember that China Mieville is not my favorite
Do lots of work all day
Call Boss Man just slightly on some egregious bullshit
Enjoy a day without Lady Boss
Punk out of the gym because it was late and I was tired
Remember that Aaron Sorkin is really good at that thing

Have time to make progress on finding the next office manager
Screw anything up
Remember to put our camping trip on the calendar
Fall asleep on the train on the way home
Object to the slightly smarmy
Remember to hate my job

Sunday, June 24, 2012

Clean every damn thing
Take a shower and dress up fancy to go to Fairway
Bug the neighbors by singing at the top of my lungs for hours

Play very much at all

Saturday, June 23, 2012

Sleep until 9:30
Get pleasantly annoyed by an article
Have lots of sore bits, mysteriously including the other hip
Go on a five mile mosey
See a small herd of papier-mache bison at BIGNYC
Make a little girl cry by petting her dog
Watch the civil war recast as a fight against vampires

Do any chores
Lay around the apartment all day
Clean anything
Make an effort to see people
Comment on women wearing rompers loudly enough that they could hear me
Understand why there were fireworks

Friday, June 22, 2012

Wake up at the normal time
Get a timely preemptive reprimand about trying to come back too quickly in the gym
Head to the office on a Friday
Get an actual signed contract for the first actual, legit planning project we've had in the year and nine months I've been working there
Solicit unprecedentedly prompt feedback from Boss Man and the client
Go to the gym
for upper body fun
Freak out on the way there because I was scared
Grin uncontrollably when someone told me my push-ups were perfect
Revel in a quick rainstorm
Relax at home

Respond appropriately to Lady Boss's glee at seeing me at the office on a Friday
Tell the PT I'd already tried air squats and lunges
Let being scared stop me
Go to an acquaintance's birthday party
Get a dog yet

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Read absurdly pretty prose on the subway
Continue to screw up ever so slightly on the project I'm managing
Take a long field trip to Queens to talk about sewers
Catch Office Managerette's awesome musical farewell
Wait fruitlessly for comments that did not arrive
Feel a little nostalgic-jealous
Make a 70-point scrabble move
View a short film about the ongoing detective efforts of Jane Tennyson

Make small talk with Boss Man the entire way to and from Queens
Let Ex-Office-Managerette leave with the company credit card
Go shmooze at an after-work architecty solstice party
Refrain from marking up an intern's terrible writing
Go to the gym after work

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Completely take over the hiring process
Organize a couple of meetings
Start reading a new book on the train
Receive praise
Compile a list of hilarious cover letter quotes
Make many people laugh loudly with it
Come home and sweat

Hire the guy who was "looking to move a head"
Get vowels in any of three simultaneous scrabble games
Comment on blog posts
Hit the gym for CSA pickup or any other reason
See anyone other than coworkers and Husband
Get a dog

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Have a nice time getting poked in the gut this morning
Make myself all kinds of useful at the office
Inadvertently misplace my surly attitude
Go to the gym after work and ride a bike to nowhere
Avoid eye contact with the trainer who works out at CFSBK
Test to see if things still hurt
Watch Stick It for possibly the third time

Engage fully with a new PT patient in the elevator
Manage not to regret it all damn day
Go outside much
Mentally prepare for the return of both bosses tomorrow
Write that big old story
Play with dogs

Monday, June 18, 2012

Clean before breakfast
Bring my gym clothes with me to the office
Do some work of some kind
Play a little scrabble
Escape the office at lunch to read more silly sci-fi book
Read a couple of articles on my phone
Sift through an intern's mess of data and ugly maps
Spend quality time with a cup of ice

Hurt myself while sleeping
Do anything to avert another Desperate Hiring Event
Infodump about the office to Husband
Swing by New Gym after work
Wear something other than jeans

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Wake up at 9:15 thinking it was already too late to do something cool with our Sunday
Finish the book I was reading
Start an even sillier one
Write a little
Explore new parts of the enormous cemetery
See the parrots that live there
Spend quality time facesnooping my friends' kid
Help forestall some CSA overload panic
Have an argument about whether my imac's nonexistent AI could simultaneously be possessing Husband in our living room and be skydiving in Japan.

Spend $90 on a ferry to a beach in Jersey
Go to the gym again
Pack up and move
Remember to turn the oven off after making dinner
Burn the house down
Respond to MoM's second email
Play with dogs

Saturday, June 16, 2012

Keep sleeping in
Feel good enough to forget all about inhaling drugs
Smell like summer
Watch Tom Cruise play himself with great awesomeness
Nap in the sun in the park
Facesnoop Ex-Coach
Kick some ass at facebook scrabble
Watch Helen Mirren solve another tricky crime
Pet a dog for a second
Have a pretty great time lazing around

Make time for writing
Save the last of the bacon for Husband
Feel bad about giving him minor plague
Dress warmly enough for the movies
Look out for dog poop
Confront the jerks who kept accidentally kicking their soccer ball into sunbathers
Quite finish all the chocolate in the house
Neglect stretching and icing

Friday, June 15, 2012

Sleep in
Get poked in the belly
Easily make conversation with the PT
Try to shake the feeling that healing delegitimizes the original injury
Sit in the sun among tourists and synthesize some vitamin D
Brave CFSBK to rescue my shoes
Discover that the spin bike is more complicated than it seems
Wimp out of being Only Girl in Testosterone-land
Feel happy about my first workout in a month
Fight back against the onslaught of CSA vegetables
Rock out on a Friday and watch The Princess Diaries 2 with Husband

Go to work
Act obnoxious toward even just the loud tourists
Find my face on a Banned for Bad Attitude poster at the gym
Talk to anyone there
Get a head start on any chores
Make exciting weekend plans
Get a dog

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Work work work work work a smirk work

Ride a unicorn

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Sleep in just a little
Start to adjust to the meds
Leave a totally unnecessary message on the allergist's voicemail
Work on project stuff all day
Sit near the embodiment of lassitude on the train home
Tie a weight to my foot and lift my leg up and down
Spend eight intimate minutes with a cup of ice

Go to a gym
Make a dent in the CSA vegetables
Think my own thoughts
Get Boss Man to review the product that's due tomorrow
Cough up a lung
Get a dog

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Wake up at 5:30, panicked that I was late
Spend an early hour with the physical therapist
Disappoint her
Get permission to stretch revoked
Accidentally bring a see-through shirt for work
Spend the day bookkeeping in my T-shirt
Get Bosses to do some paperwork
Find evidence that we should move to Seattle
Cough myself a little hoarse
Crash into a nap
Finish out the day with some ice massage

Breathe easy
Successfully do leg rotation exercises
Do the most onerous of the paperwork
Give people a hard time when they totally had it coming
Restrain myself from posting inappropriately on the gym blog
Talk with friends

Monday, June 11, 2012

Grudgingly accept hard evidence that yes, drugs make it better
Get to work on time
Force Office Managerette to learn how to research stuff
Write a lot of thrilling invoices
Do a Responsible Adult thing
Get a new cookbook in the mail
Indulge in Monday Night TV gluttony

Fall asleep from the sheer tedium
Actually cough out any brains
Suddenly understand why we must Talk about Mad Men as if it were Serious Stuff
Interpose myself in the hiring process
Respond snarkily to comments on the Professor's blog
Call the brilliant-seeming allergist
Go to the gym I joined
Play with dogs

Sunday, June 10, 2012

Find a brilliant-sounding allergist with unknown insurance acceptance
Get all nebulous, again
Get a nice email from ex-New Coach
Cook some mighty delicious CSA bounty
See a completely incoherent movie
Witness the aftermath of a cab crashing into the Union Square Cosi
Enjoy a zany Canadian buddy cop movie
Give the blasted asthma meds another shot

Play games
Get to spend non-movie time with That Guy
Enjoy the sudden smell of sewage wafting through our apartment
Do any writing at all
Either skimp or overdo it on stretching/rehab work
Walk impressively fast at any point
Get a dog

Saturday, June 9

Dream that we had a baby
Enjoy some delicious nebulized albuterol
Comment on The Professor's blog
Join a regular gym where you can show up whenever you want
Buy a bunch of books
Watch kids running around a playground
Remember that it's got to hurt if it's to heal
Get my Fairway on
Stretch and ice
Clean the stove

Head to Governors Island for a participatory art festival
Stay in the Slope to see the Pride parade
Eat the pita I was given
Play games
Work on the book
Feel sad about a pretty unproductive day

Friday, June 8, 2012

Almost shake the new inhaler side effects
Head downtown in workout clothes
Get a really painful massage
Get to do some exercises
Brave the horrors of Old Navy
Nap for quite a while
Ice and stretch and ice
Go for a walk right when it started to rain

Hear a word from ex-New Coach
Go to the gym
Work on the book
Apply for any jobs
Think about moving
Play with dogs

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Enforce my zero tolerance policy for side effects
Get the presentation finished in time
Bite my tongue when someone looked at five slides of constraints and then complained that we hadn't discussed constraints
Start rethinking the presentation
Write a job description for the office manager job
Feel annoyingly sick all day
Think about tradeoffs
Write a goodbye-and-thanks email to New Coach
Get kisses from the landlord's dog
Nap hard before dinner

Ice as much as I'm supposed to
Continue medicating
Join a regular gym
Work on the book
Go outside
Steal Husband's book

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Make the early train on time
Find out from a PT that yes, Virginia, I am injured
Laugh at all the muscles that spasmed during the gentle ultrasound
Spend 15 minutes wrapped in a giant icepack
Receive absolution
Do project work all day
Giggle over Office Managerette's abrupt resignation
Have a nice talk with Boss Man about the hunt for the next office manager
Enjoy a basically non-asthmatic day thanks to new meds
Avoid getting roped into a networking event
Wrap more ice around me

Write to New Coach to explain the latest news
Sleep enough
Lie to the PT even just through evasion
Realize that Ray Bradbury died until getting home from work
Work up the courage to read the gym blog's explosion of posts
Think about the book
Quite finish everything for tomorrow's meeting
Pick up our mighty CSA haul from the gym
Pet any dogs

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Act like a grownup and make a PT appointment, even though it was intimidating
Bookkeep all day
Breathe into a tube for the allergist again
Make my coworkers jealous with the smells of savory second lunch
Share a laugh with a guy masturbating on the subway steps
Write in to the gym blog and instantly regret it
Get a nice surprise when someone agreed with me
Add coconut to my list of probable nemeses

Do battle with spiders before breakfast
Do any project work
Laugh loudly at Lady Boss's description of her "solution" to the office management problem
Get around to writing up any invoices
Clean even just the grossest parts of the apartment
Work on the book

Monday, June 4, 2012

Have a productive project conversation with Boss Man
Incite a meeting of upper management with their consultant guru
Gather more evidence supporting the tree-nut-allergy theory
See a guy about my hip
Get a prescription for physical therapy and a potential diagnosis
Miss a co-worker's birthday serenade
Finally get my pretty red lifting belt in the mail
Beat Husband at Set

Get fired for Thursday's somewhat grumpy email to the higher-ups
Annoy the client any more by pushing more meetings back
Convince the project team to sketch some damn concepts
Abstain from cheesecake
Lie to the sports med guy at all
Work on the book
Resist the charms of watching all of Sunday night's tv in one go

Sunday, June 3, 2012

Sleep in and then find out it wasn't even terribly late
Read books on the fire escape
Daydream about moving to where the outside is more accessible
Play with Husband
Take a walk and discover we live in a neighborhood
Do some not-so-onerous chores
Seriously contemplate cleaning the grossest part of the stove
Eat a box of strawberries

Take the drastic step of actually cleaning the stove
Work on the book
Go exploring
Spend much time outside
Play with dogs
Spend much time feeling sad

Saturday, June 2, 2012

Help That Guy with the easiest move ever
Gorge on giant burgers afterwards
Eat bread and then get super grumpy and tired
Go to a really disappointing science fair
Remember that I'm not actually so interested in robots
Wish there were Philosophy Book Clubs instead of Mediocre Fiction Book Clubs
Take an epic nap
Listen to our upstairs and downstairs neighbors hanging out in the yard
Watch Twin Peaks
Lose at Dominion

Convince That Guy to finish the whole move in one day
Enact physical violence on people engrossed in their iphones
Avoid feeling bad about not being friendly with our neighbors
Get cajoled into attending our gym's book club by someone I like
See super cool robots in action or the quantum levitation display
Work on the book
Go out at night
Figure out the dog situation

Friday, June 1, 2012

Sleep in
Have interesting dreams
Call the allergist about some failing asthma medication
Write a couple thousand words
Fool around with dumbbells
Get weird looks from some ladies on the street as I walked with my dumbbells
Offer to help That Guy move
Slightly weird out the landlord

Go to the gym
Contact New Coach
Leave the house for more than a walk around the block
Go totally stir crazy
Keep doing stuff when it hurt
Congratulate Ex-Roommate on keeping his kid alive for a year
Play with dogs

Thursday, May 31

Make an appointment to see an actual doctor about my hip
Actually do work
Write an email to Bosses about Cute-But-Useless Office Managerette
Cheat at phone scrabble

Make the client very happy
Get invited to have lunch outside with the others
Work on the book
Play with dogs

Thursday, May 31, 2012

Wednesday, May 30

Hurt way less after last night's crybaby time
Do some hip work before work
Wear a somewhat inappropriate dress
Enjoy people's reactions to it
Do a lot of paperwork
Tune out the continuing office frenzy
Turn some overripe bananas into cake-facsimile
Listen to music I'd forgotten about
Mess around with dumbbells
FaceStalk Former Coach

Work on the book
Waste the whole day fooling around
Forget to pay everybody
Screw up people's deductions again
Contact New Coach
Join a regular gym
Tell MoM about not getting the cool job

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Wake up with the sun and the birds
Watch a scene from somewhere near the end of a relationship on the subway
Wash up in the middle of continued office frenzy from last week
More or less totally fail to concentrate
Play some killer scrabble words
Find out how to collect the printer history for a year
Aid and abet the scapegoating of former coworker Archigirl
Humor a 5:45 request that I write a proposal that was due before yesterday
Whine about it all to Husband
Get rewarded with an awesome plan of action

Require help to get water for tea
Have to battle any spiders for use of the bathroom
Get to watch for water snakes over breakfast
Manage to get much done amid all the kerfuffle
Get to quit
Call the allergist
Contact New Coach about what to do next
Put away the camping gear
Resist the possibility of solutions

Monday, May 28, 2012

Saturday, May 26 - Monday, May 28

Hike four miles with a 50-lb pack (twice)
See a water snake and a couple of woodpeckers and a frog and a deer and a lot of spiders and flies, oh my
Lay around on a rocky beach for five or six hours
Make some progress on identifying food sensitivities
Run in and out of the lake
Sleep in late and then worry that I should have gotten up earlier
Daydream about moving to the woods somewhere
Only sit completely still in traffic for half an hour coming home
Celebrate being home with Peruvian delivery

Spend any time at all on the internet
Read any news
Lose any of our supplies to marauding mammals in the night
Turn out to have screwed up the tent by trying to fix its seams
Stay totally dry in the downpour
Destroy my hips with the hiking and all
Lose any bathroom duels with spiders
End up getting the possibly cool-seeming job
Use my blog for mean after-the-fact millipede jokes
Get too disappointed about the job (yet)

Saturday, May 26, 2012

Gone Camping
See you Monday or so.

Friday, May 25

Set up a house inside our house
Spend several hours in a quest to re-seal the tent seams
Go on a Paleo adventure to Bierkraft
Pack pack pack pack pack, test, unpack, repack
Guard most but not all of our food from fridge-raiding bears

Enjoy pain-free range of hip motion
Stretch like a good girl
Spend much time on the computer
Read or write
Go to the gym
Worry about jobs

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Write a proposal from scratch and get it out the door
Do a little bookkeeping
Put together a couple hundred precedent photos
Still slack off for most of the day
Buy some seam sealer and tent stakes after work
Wonder why I wanted to listen to gloomy music
Get reminded that today's an anniversary of sorts

Fear the rain
Get found out as a total slacker yet
Let the inside voice out
Work on the book
Make the all-important camping list
Win or lose at scrabble
Get too sad about not playing with dogs, 'cause they'd be wet

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Show up pretty nearly on time
Participate in some morning office frenzy
Do some work
Remember what New York smells like in summer
OD on the Food Network when left alone
Learn an exciting secret
Beat Husband at phone scrabble again
Do some stretchin'

Use my home-alone time productively
Work on the book
Figure out what to do about jobs
Visit the gym, that long-lost hangout
Totally heal in every way yet
Get a dog

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Beat all my bosses to work, for once
Unexpectedly get my hip largely fixed by Body Shaman
Speak up in the interminable staff meeting
Fail at signing an excellent petition
Get excited about going camping this weekend
Say goodbye to Dr. House

Get rained on
Find out who killed Laura Palmer
Let a guy on the train give up his seat for me
Totally ignore work in favor of phone scrabble
Propose to Lady Boss that she get a new office manager
Find out if That Guy is still about to be homeless
Work on the book

Monday, May 21, 2012

Wake up half an hour late
Listen to the rain and dream of camping
Barely make the subway in time to be no later than usual
Combine surly and lazy in a reprisal of Worst Employee Ever
Beat Husband at phone scrabble
Get praised for work I did at least a week ago that abruptly became useful
Start a new scrabble game
Start an essay about quitting and then quit writing it

Work on the book
Quit my job
Forget to thank my interviewers
Go back to the gym
Do anything worthwhile

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Get up at a normal hour
Work on the book!
Fantasize about quitting my job and just writing full time
Get a little whiny about it
Go see the Old Time Strongman Spectacular at Coney Island
See a guy pull a truck with his hair
Enjoy some crazy-pants subway antics on the way back
Spend the evening doing chores

Have the promised Family Writing Time
Write the follow-up email to my interviewers
Clean the apartment
Convince Husband to show off during the audience participation
Touch the ocean

Saturday, May 19

Sleep in late
Nap in the sun in the park anyway
Call MoM
Lose confidence in the appeal of Cool-Seeming Job

Work on the book
Clean the apartment
Do my chores
Hang out with two-year-olds

Friday, May 18, 2012

Wake up bright and early to cram
Do a lot of research that I did not allude to in the interview
Talk for almost 45 minutes straight
Get at least some enthusiastic response to my babbling
See a shirtless man removing his pants on a park bench
Play hooky from the gym
Cook dinner
Work on the book

Get as nervous as usual
Freak out and forget what I was going to say
Completely avoid sounding dumb
Blow it
Fullfil my promise to New Coach
Think of a good excuse
Waste my Friday

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Lie to my allergist
Spend most of the day playing scrabble on my phone
Fantasize about quitting a lot
Practice talking about Potential New Job in bathroom mirrors
Get a last-minute super-urgent due-right-now assignment at 4 and still leave by 6:30
Fall asleep on Husband for a lovely hour or so
Wonder if my terrible job has made me useless, helpless, and dependent in the workplace
Get smacked for wondering it out loud

Ask for the test I wanted to have done
Man up and correct myself after blatantly lying to the allergist
Get fired for being the worst employee ever
Wait to get approval on the package to send to the client at 6:30
Suggest that they fire their useless Office Managerette
Succumb to the inevitable Enthusiasm Wane for Potential New Job
Do all the requisite research and prep for the interview
Send a compassionate response to MoM's email like a good daughter
Ask how my coworker's trip to Israel was

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Walk to work behind someone who really needs Body Shaman
Get an interview for the actually good-sounding job
Fantasize about quitting
Fall asleep again while constructively resting
Possibly partially destroy Body Shaman's magic work
Play phone scrabble at the office
Make a lasting impression on a 2-year-old

Stretch out my work to last the whole day
Tell Boss Lady that I am not her secretary
Research or otherwise prepare for Friday's interview
Spend time with friends
Get a dog

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Discover a veggie crisper full of blood before breakfast due to leaky meat packaging
Write a bit of a story on the train
Get to work late and spend the day mostly bored
Leave early to meet with Body Shaman
Learn some new DIY body repair techniques
Interpret "constructive rest" a bit too literally

Hear back about the job
Work on the book
Think about the book before 11:30pm
Get fired
Remember the stuff I was going to blog about
Play with dogs

Monday, May 14, 2012

Get modest appreciation for half-assed work
Act like a responsible grown-up and cancel tonight's lifting session with New Coach
Make an appointment with Body Shaman
Immediately hurt less, of course
Watch a bunch of tv
Reprise my terrifying Hand Crocodile routine for Husband

Work on the book
Get fired
Give up my subway seat to a guy who looked like Kurt Vonnegut
Hear back from Super Cool Job people
Make any major life decisions
Get the Modern Major General song out of my head yet

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Friday, May 11 - Sunday, May 12

Send MoM some flowers at my aunt's house, to make up for the forgotten card
Go on a field trip to PA to watch a friend's sister get married
Meet a new candidate for World's Awesomest 2-Year-Old
Scare her with some very realistic Hand Crocodile action
Spend a lot of time running in circles and being a human fence
Enjoy seeing some people I haven't seen in years
Have lots of good conversations
Play games
Wander around historic Valley Forge
Get appropriately sunburned
Make a key navigational error on the return trip
Get some strong book encouragement

Remember the name of the author with flesh-eating disease
Assist in the overthrow of the Tyrannous Wedding Photographer
Keep my wedding favor
Make scintillating wedding conversation with our table-mates
Figure out how to wash the eye makeup off
Quite decide whether to move to the middle to be near our friends
Make any headway in convincing them to move near us
Get to do splashy splashy with our un-god-kid
See the Tree of Mythic Significance
Escape from Mister Softee
Use my time alone back at home to work on the book

Friday, May 11, 2012

Thursday, May 10

Show up egregiously late again
Ring a stranger's bike bell because it pleased me
Take a 10 minute work vacation to an awesome hardware store
End up doing some work I'd been trying to get the right people to do for three months
Prep for a wedding trip
Fresh direct a bajillion groceries

Find out who killed Laura Palmer
Get a Mother's Day card!

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Plow through some thrilling bank reconciliations
Roll around on a carpet for Mystic Body Shaman
Almost miss seeing Lady Boss before she left for Israel
Make hasty brochure mock-ups for a client meeting
Really enjoy gleaning the day's news from facebook posts
Ice my hip a bunch
Consider naturopathy

Finish pretty much anything
Forget to be excited about seeing friends in two days
Manage to not inadvertently lie to anyone
Buy a Mothers' Day card for MoM
Work on the book
Get a dog

Tuesday, May 8

Utterly fail at yesterday's diagrams
Wade through a quick organizational meeting that took nearly 2 hours
Get roped into making more presentations for work I'm not familiar with
Possibly get chastised for not interrupting enough and/or talking over other people
Share a subway seat with a woman who's heading to Memphis tomorrow to celebrate her birthday
Wash some dishes
Watch some Twin Peaks

Do any bookkeeping
Feel at all bad during the possible chastisement
Feel much obligation to organize this project presentation
Quit my job
Use my evening for anything worthwhile
Work on the book
Get a dog

Monday, May 7, 2012

Wake up rested
Get to work late, as usual
Wear a skirt that's striped like a TIGER
Futz around
Fantasize about the potential job
Go to the gym
Wimp out a little on the metcon
Play medicine-ball catch without hitting anyone in the face

Quit anything
Back down when someone was condescending but wrong
Entirely betray my impatience with the last-minute, disorganized, late-making staff meeting
Work on the book
Forget to ice
Play with dogs

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Find and apply for an actually awesome-sounding job
Dare to open my book and find out that it's actually ok and worth writing
Go to the park with Husband
Watch some very excited rounds of fetch at the dog beach
Feed two goats, two sheep, and two llamas
Watch the pygmy loris move any which way it pleased
Start watching Twin Peaks
Win my game

Write any new pages
Clean the stove burners
Stretch sufficiently
Abscond with any of the dog-beach dogs
Do anything I didn't want to do

Saturday, May 5

Sleep a lot
Set up my new computer
Play my new game on it
Stop before winning
Explore the Big Cemetery with Husband
Have fun creeping ourselves out
Go out for sushi
Race through Fairway

Figure out what foods are making my body weird
Think of anything new and interesting to say about the death penalty
Lift weights
Feel as sore as on Thursday
Do any writing
Go to the Fringe Fair and try to get hired as a venue manager
Get a dog

Friday, May 4, 2012

Sleep for about 13 hours
Responsibly do stretching
Experience, possibly for the first time, what it's like to really not be broke
Buy a shiny new toy
Break it
Fix it
Play a game on it

Quite know how to deal with this new experience
Leave my toy in the subway to see what would happen
Entirely shake off the guilt
Have a lot of enthusiasm for the gym, despite modest increases in weight
Write anything
Catch up on to-do items
Play with dogs

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Have the most amazing case of DOMS
Enjoy a splitting headache for about eight hours
Leave work on the dot of six, come home, and fall asleep

Do much of use to anyone
Sleep enough yet

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Pass the time somehow
Have a brief meeting about a project
Dodge the question of whether I want to go salary/FT again
Disgust LadyBoss by admitting to eating meat
Lift some weights
Do a very brief conditioning workout
Wimp out as soon as I was given the chance

Laugh in LB's face when she said her 2 desert island foods would be branded water and brown rice
Lift anything impressive
Mention the bits that hurt
Completely fail to converse
Apply for jobs
Play with dogs

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Dream disturbing things about Lady Boss
Have to nag people multiple times about dumb things
End up twiddling my thumbs for a few hours
Sit through the world's most boring staff meeting
Eat two Lara bars and give myself a headache
Jump through lotsa hoops to apply for a municipal job in St Paul
Picture a different life and try to weigh drastically unequal things

Get "this little light of mine" stuck in my head this time
Congratulate a new dad I like very much
Read through a friend's blog posts as promised
Get caught up on sleep yet
Dress the part
Do anything creative
Feel particularly competent

Monday, April 30, 2012

Come up with the genius plan of taking the morning off
Get almost nearly enough sleep
Mindlessly fill in excel worksheets at work
Read a bunch of my book
Watch a sizable chunk of tv

Have any idea how tired I was until getting off the subway
Resist the siren song of caffeine
Go to the gym
Complete a job application for a job in St Paul
Write back to Directress

Sunday, April 29, 2012

Brave the morning crowd at Fairway
Show up 6 hours early for strike to "organize"
Kill many hours at a suburban mall
See The Raven
Avoid being called onstage for parting gifts
Run a pretty efficient strike (with Husband's help)

Get out of the theater around 1:30 am
Spend an hour driving around Manhattan trying to get home
Thank the actors
Stay up, wired, until 4 or so
Wake up at 10 actually looking my age
Take a long walk
Crash on the couch
Clean the heck

Bother with Saturday's blog
Write post-mortem notes to the producer/directress
Ever quite decide about going to work tomorrow
Keep track of all the things I didn't do

Saturday, April 28, 2012

Friday, April 27

Sleep in a bit
Plan the heck out of tomorrow night's strike
Clean a pool of blood out of the refrigerator
Contemplate washing our bedding
Read about personality types
Escape to the cemetery for half an hour to finish my book
Lift weights
Eat dinner on the G train
Hit up Newly-Ex Coworker's final celebration
Have a fun, animated conversation about theater with Newly-Ex Coworker's fiance

Get dumb drunk off of beer
Alienate people by being negative
Resist the temptation to bring That Guy along to make the fun more fun
Convince That Guy to help with strike
Get a good read on which actors are going to ditch tomorrow
Hurt myself
Let anybody down

Friday, April 27, 2012

Thursday, April 26

Scrape together the little work I could find
See an allergist
Pay too much in copays for drugs
Go out to celebrate Co-Worker's imminent departure
Avoid giving Boss-Lady the impression that I will be her new BFF
Go out for post-celebration celebrations
Default to making funny but negative comments about the office
Wish I were less of a jerk

Remember how to spin out an anecdote
Remember the names of the characters in Zoo Story
Avoid drinking too much
Take any risks
Do anything creative
Wash the dishes
Remember to blog

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Complete two proposals and a presentation
Have a fun lunchtime bitch session with She Who Leaves Tomorrow
Leave work early to repair flood damage at the church
Fix the floor, tape it, paint it, detail it, and focus a light in under an hour
Get to leave before dark

Realize there was a performance tonight until someone tried to buy a ticket from me
Quite stop myself from making fun of Directress
Make a chiro appointment
Write a story
Get a dog

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Share a train car with a lot of familiar strangers
Laze my way through a Bookkeeping Tuesday
Do some crazy twisty pilates stuff
Leave a small pile of sweaty clothes in Body Shaman's office
Leave her an incoherent voice message about it hours later
Come home to a working bathroom sink!
Make an allergist appointment

Mention to Body Shaman that it hurts to bend my neck to the side
Quite believe her when she asserted that I am Healed
Convey my disbelief
Schlep out to Jersey to clean up the slightly flooded theater
Lie and say I was too busy to come out tomorrow night
Manage to remember what the essay I thought of on the way home was about so I could write it

Monday, April 23, 2012

Kind of forget that showing up slightly less late than usual is still late
Finish the presentation more than 10 minutes before it was due
Get to see people get excited about the design that was my idea
Call an abrupt end to a staff meeting
Lift with New Coach for the first time
Self-correct some problem positions
Remember just how great eating and showering can be

Get the gift of a working sink
Quite finish writing minutes before the staff meeting
Get to appear un-useless in the staff meeting
Let New Coach believe the stupid accidental lies I told her
Make a strike list
Write a story
Get a dog

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Sleep late
Laze around
Watch some AWESOME videos
Spend about 20 solid minutes making elephant noises with Husband
Do some chores

Write any stories
Look for new jobs
Make progress on getting a dog
Fix the curtainrod I accidentally ripped from the wall
Prepare to possibly give a presentation tomorrow
Hang out with That Guy - mostly because it was rainy and cold
Make any major life decisions

Saturday, April 21

Wake up at 8
Notice how the morning smells different than the rest of the day
Enjoy reading my book
Nap for 3 hours in the middle of the day
Clean the apartment a bit
Succumb to guilt and drag Husband out to see the play
Notice that half the dimmers weren't working
Fix it during intermission
Take pictures
Walk home in the start of the rain

Do any wholesome Earth Day volunteering
Get herbs to plant in pots
Go grocery shopping
Take advantage of the weather by playing outside
Smack the SM when she whined about the lights not being her fault
Hang out and socialize afterwards

Friday, April 20, 2012

Volunteer to go in to work
Have a really fun day there
Use CAD a little
Draw some stuff in Illustrator
Go to the gym
Lift weights without hurting myself at all
Get a super-hard high five
Set up the first session with New Coach for Monday

Sleep in
Stay longer than planned at work
Get to actually sketch any proposed concepts
Feel any disappointment about that
Waste the day
Play with dogs

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Get thoroughly bored at work
Sketch some design ideas for a project
Leave them where people could see them
Get rewarded
Volunteer to go in on Friday

Respond graciously to an unexpected compliment
Go see my show
Write back to New Coach with all the deets
Play with dogs

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Listen to two girls bitch about Crossfit on the subway platform
Show up to work egregiously late
Somehow find stuff to do all day
Miss out on the sketch session for my project to assemble a last-minute presentation
Almost set up a first session with a new coach
Go out for drinks after work
Drink a giant beer and instantly get a headache
Talk to the newest employee in our office for the first time
Lose at Mr. Jack

Avoid being the downer at the drinks party
Quit or get fired
Get useful information out of city agencies
Decide to interview to be a bike rack inspector for DOT
Do all my mobility work like a good girl
Lift weights
Write a story
Get a dog

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Waffle about what to wear for fully 10 minutes
End up weirdly grumpy all day
Frustrate Body Shaman
Play Health Insurance Detective
Screw up the payroll
Prematurely send an email to Possible New Coach
Kill another evening with napping and tv

Act like a total jerk to everybody
Make my fingers stop going numb
Decide what to do about the gym
Manage to fix my screw-up
Lift weights
Do fun things
Feel useful

Monday, April 16, 2012

Get praised by Lady Boss for showing initiative
Get chided by Lady Boss for being useless/introverted
Strongly consider telling Lady Boss she can just fire me
Look for other jobs
Cook dinner
Waste the evening on the intarwebs

Find a new job elsewhere
Decide if I'm brave enough for the gym tomorrow
Figure out if I care enough about the producer's opinion of me to go see the play I worked on
Write a story
Remember to get a lightbulb for the stove hood
Feel omnicompetent

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Sleep even more
Wander around with Husband
Eat more bread products
Go a little crazy with being idle
Hit up Fairway
Watch some Buffy

Write a story
Clean the apartment
Get a dog
Check in to see how the show went

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Get 10 hours of sleep
Lay around the park reading books and making fun of people
Kick a soccer ball around with Husband
Go out for burgers and a movie with That Guy
Get sunburned
Take my first motorcycle ride
Do pretty much exactly what I wanted all day long

Work on any projects
Get a dog
Spontaneously develop the ability to solve That Guy's problems
Discover that non-homogenized milk is magically digestible
Waste the day

Friday, April 13, 2012

Sleep for 9.5 hours
Wake up to eat
Contemplate going to the zoo
Have a 2 hour nap
Go to the gym for the first time since March 9
Lift some light weights

Go see opening night of my show
Receive any emergency calls from the SM
Say hi to people who I know more or less like me
Get hurt
Have anyone tell me I should be seeking therapy instead of training
Feel sad

Thursday, April 12

Get called for the night's rehearsal at 9am
Let the SM know that notice that late is not really ok
Get "LOL"ed in return
Do things on my long-term, if-I-have-time work list
Fix some lights and some cues, rebuild a bench and do a crash course in upholstery
Chafe at being called "Wonder Woman" again
Alter some cues the SM just can't handle
Walk out of the church basement for the last time until strike
Eat smoked salmon, ice cream, beer, and chocolate for dinner
Stay up super late

Eat the SM's heart in the marketplace
Express any negative attitude whatsoever while in the theater
Stay for the second run-through
Fall asleep at work or on various trains
Have to wait forever for the PATH train
Miss the last R to Brooklyn
Go to bed until 2am

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Somehow manage not to fall asleep at work
Watch the hours dribble past
Have an evening to myself

Go to the theater for the first day in a week or so
Use a wrench or any gaff tape
Get any panicked calls from the SM
Have to run anywhere or be late to anything

Tuesday, April 10

Play hooky
Go to Body Shaman and get un-twisted
Listen to a world-weary 19 year old on the train
Finally buy some decent-looking work clothing
Nap hard
Forget that lots of people drive from NYC to NJ around 6pm
Fix the main lighting problems
Possibly fix some cues with the scatterbrained SM
Do a lot of highly adaptable driving
Hear that someone from the gym remembers me!

Successfully make conversation with Body Shaman
Fall asleep while she worked on me
Forget to eat and then consequently despair
Save any time at all by driving
Freak out when all my normal routes were closed
Sleep enough
Get the SM to sit down and focus
Give notes that would have been helpful but resentfully ignored
Enjoy or participate in the vitriolic post-run bitch-fest

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Monday, April 9

Shower when I realized I was still covered in lead paint bits
Manage not to fall asleep while sitting at my desk
Do some thrilling paperwork
Enjoy sitting
Leave work early to go to rehearsal
Almost get the SM to understand her cues
Make an effort to call actors by their actual names
Get to feel competent and fix things
Have the best subway luck ever
Still get home after midnight

Take the best care of my body
OD on caffeine
Eat birthday cake instead of dinner
Get enough done

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Sleep in until 8:30
Do some chores before heading to work
Program the light board, write cue times, sync with sound, make cue sheets and a magic sheet
Fix the crack, photograph the "grid", hang some pictures
Leave at 4pm!
Cruise through Fairway
Drive recklessly
Fail to nap
Eat a bunch of delicious ice cream

Have to encroach on the Sunday School group
OD on caffeine
Remember to eat until about 3:30
Dye or hide any eggs
Totally miss the sun being up
Manage to get some decent work clothes after tech
Get in any accidents
See family
Give enough love

Saturday, April 7, 2012

Get to the church basement at 8:30 for a 9:00 level-setting
Check my watch with irritation when no one showed up at 9
Mostly run a cue-to-cue
Blow our stage manager's mind by knowing how to use the (very simple) light board
Get told that my set is better than the actors
Leave at 6:30
Eat hot food at home with Husband
Watch the best Community to date

Get new clothes appropriate for work
Electrocute anybody
Lose patience
Doubt for a moment that I could do anything that was necessary
Back down from giving Directress authoritative notes
Get through the second act
Careen crazily into the walls of any of the 10 miles of tunnels I drove through
Read a book
Enjoy the sun
Play with dogs

Friday, April 6, 2012

Spend about 12 hours or so in the church basement
Hang a lot of lights
Do some fun midair troubleshooting of dimmers
Pretend I know what I'm doing with gel color
Attempt to move ladders quietly so as not to disturb parishioners
Inhale a lifetime's worth of lead paint bits

Permanently break much of the drop ceiling
Rely on the subway to get home this time
Eat enough
Sit down during those 12 hours
Let them talk me into last-minute stage managing

Thursday, April 5

Make a mad dash to 34th street during lunch
Get utterly flummoxed by B&H Photo's "efficiency system"
Bookkeep more
Head to the set after work
Get trapped by Vietnamese congregants and a priest hearing confession
Paint some stuff
Get the producer to set up the dimmers
Decide to maybe give blogging a break during tech week

Actually catch the last magic R train to brooklyn
Have to race through Cortland street
Figure out how the heck to light this show
Hurt myself too much yet
Get home after midnight
Do anything but work

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Dress nice
Get grilled at our client interview
Hurt myself doing recommended stretches
Send a reasonable email to Body Shaman that made me feel like a dick
Learn that ArchiGirl is quitting
Go to rehearsal
Watch Directress behave so poorly that my jaw dropped
Race through Cortland Street Station to get the downtown R again

Have to get off at Rector and walk to the 2/3 this time
Express any sympathy to those poor actors
Do any more stretching
Come off like a total moron in the interview (maybe?)
Learn to deal in vagaries
Give up the blog because it's tech week

Tuesday, April 3

Mostly do bookkeeping all day
See Body Shaman
Forget to blog

Get fixed
Let her know quite how much it hurt
Go to rehearsal after work
Forget or celebrate 2 birthdays

Monday, April 2, 2012

Kind of enjoy how much my back hurt
Finish the research project
Have a phone call with a client in which I didn't sound like a moron
Get Boss's attention when I needed it
Leave work early to have a nap on an ice pack
Heal through the magic of sleep, ice, and ibuprofin

Get derailed by admin/bookeeping requests
Forget anything major
Even think about trying to lift anything heavyish
Let my jade plant die yet
Do anything cool with my Monday night alone
Feel sad

Sunday, April 1

Reassemble a bunch of junk into an ok looking set
Crawl around on the floor painting baseboard lines
See The Hunger Games
Leave the theatre in lots o' pain

Remember to blog At All
Work for 6 whole hours
Get up stupid early
Try to move the rug alone again

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Saturday, March 31

Get up at 7
Spend 12 hours in a church basement working on something unimportant
React with indignation when Directress used my screwdriver as a paint stick
Paint some stuff
Build some stuff
Remember that I used to lift heavy things
Fence the performance space off with plastic chairs to fend off Sunday schoolers
Come home, after more than an hour on four trains, to a Husband bearing dinner and kisses
Have beer

Spend any time with Husband
Spend any time outside
Walk away in response to Directress's various antics
Work on anything important to me
Have an entirely bad time

Friday, March 30, 2012

Sleep in almost until 8
Trade money for speed
Paint many things green including parts of me
Spend 3+ hours on a giant jigsaw puzzle
Emerge victorious
Receive unsolicited life lessons from a 26-year-old pixie

Figure out which sink is OK for washing paintbrushes
Find out what happened to Coach
Get to the gym
Fail to figure out the hard stuff
Get the car towed
Ask if Producer would reimburse me for that giant roll of gaff tape

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Spend about 13 hours at work
Double up and write punch lists in a taxi
Wonder why Producer is paying me if he doesn't trust me to do my job
Almost finish the research report
Eventually go home

Get much information out of the Parks Admin I went to interview
Let Lady Boss totally derail me with bogus chores
Shy away from delegating
Forget anything super-important (as far as I know)
Get to the bottom of the Coach mystery

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Potentially get my first actual planning project at my job!
Let Body Shaman poke me toward healing
Gossip about Coach's mysterious disappearance
Compile lots o' research
Try to get Boss-Man to look at it
Rescue some proposal components
Stay late
Cry at the end of my friend's book
Laugh my ass off at Drawception

Respond to Producer's attempt to make my punch list for me
Totally freak out about being incredibusy all of a sudden
Finish the research package
Go to a gym
Watch a lot of tv
Spend time outside
Play with dogs

Tuesday, March 27

Wear big ol' socks
Hurt annoyingly
Do some fancy-pants research resulting in improbable discoveries
Leave the office before 7
Find out that not everyone at the gym has completely forgotten me
Read about goblins

Fix my silly shoulder myself
Let it bother me much
Slack on any of my long-term-boring-task list items
Shy away
Lift anything
Figure out a long-term plan for the gym
Remember to blog
Get a dog

Monday, March 26, 2012

Do a billion rehab stuff before work
Start reading my friend's fun book
Foolishly choose to wear sandals
Make lots of maps
Brave the stinky soap store after work
Waste time on teh intarwebs
Watch some thrilling Canadian sci-fi tv

Resort to wearing my giant, fuzzy, black Office Socks
Get hounded by Boss Lady
Have music on, most of the time I was hiding in my headphones
Work on the play at all
Go to a gym
Have to fight off overeager salespeople
Miss any trains
Ever get warm again after the Fateful Sandal Mistake!

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Sleep in wonderfully late
Laze around in bed reading for over an hour
Use my TD pay to buy new tools
Take a truly excellent floor nap on Husband
Hear from Coach for what will probably be the very last time
Realize that all that drama probably had very little to do with me
Lose twice at Lost Cities
Cook dinner

Do any work whatsoever
Hold a grudge
Feel guilty about taking the whole day completely off

Saturday, March 24, 2012

Get up at 7
Spend 4 hours making cables for lighting instruments
Get physically displaced by a "helper" who assumed I couldn't help lift a platform
Hastily stick together a couple of flats for the last 2 walls
Spend an hour listening to Directress wonder what colors to paint the walls and floor
Spend 2 hours total on train(s)
Manage to run through Cortland St station fast enough to catch the elusive downtown R
Cruise Fairway at 9pm

Slap the helper
Maintain good posture while making cables
Feel sanguine about getting everything finished next week
Go to a showing of a tv pilot That Guy was in
Do all my rehabby stuff
Nap effectively
Get to spend enough time with Husband

Friday, March 23, 2012

Sleep in 'til 7:40
Drive all over the city
Get my first sunburn of spring
Marvel at the dick-swinging at our site visit
Wonder why the person who knows everything is always a beta
Pay $25 in tolls to haul my tools to a church basement
Turn on my secret Getto Tech Power(tm)
Stand up a bunch of flats that have very little business standing up
Impress some people
Smell like work
Have fun

Remember that Tillary to 3rd is not really a shortcut at all
Forget how to do the things I do
Come up with much to say at the site visit
Betray that I'm just a bookkeeper
Freak out that I only had a scribble to build from
Fail to delegate effectively
Refuse help when it was helpful
Hang out to hear why our brand-new walls probably don't work for Directress
Go grocery shopping
Plan the meals
Play outside

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Try to convince the Office Managerette to do office-managing type things
Attempt to understand Directress's narrative of changes to the set
Toy with the idea of observing rehearsal after work like a responsible TD
Encourage a co-worker to pursue other options
Try to think through a cut list without understanding the set, tools, or materials available
Make a lot of maps, do some zoning calculations, and moonlight as a bookkeeper
Talk to someone even more clueless than me about tomorrow's site visit

Resist cracking my neck and making it worse
Respond when Lady Boss loudly talked about me from across the room
Wear the same jeans I wore every other day this week
Go to rehearsal
Sound like an idiot at any point
Get a dog

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Retroactively become project manager of our new project
Get interrupted by Urgent Bookkeeping Nonsense! Again!
End up double-booked for Friday between work-work and play-work
Make a bunch of maps
Go to Vanity Gym and lift on my own
Deliberately take it easy with things that could probably have hurt me
Get an email from Coach after 2 weeks of silence, canceling a session we never scheduled
Inadvertently watch two hours of British crime drama

Watch the tail lights of the R train pull out of the station
Come out and tell Lady Boss that yes, managing the office should be the Office Manager's job
Get bored
Probably take the lifting as slowly as I should
Respond to Coach as petulantly as I wanted to
Write anything
Play with dogs

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Stay late at work, happily fighting with GIS

Remember to blog until leaving the house for work on Wednesday

Monday, March 19, 2012

Almost leave the house on time
Use Shamanic techniques to reduce the hurty by about 70%
Work on actual projects all day
See a particularly relevant TED talk
Think about writing a story
Watch Iron Man instead
Hang out with Husband

Manage to coax Boss et al into meeting a deadline
Understand what the heck Directress was trying to tell me
Go outside
Refrain from eating junk
Apply for any jobs
Play with dogs

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Listen to the sweet strains of thunderous vomiting over breakfast
Turn the kitchen table into a drafting board
Make my director happy
Call my mom for her birthday
Brave my first non-guided workout in a year
Hurt myself a little
Watch Helen Mirren triumph for women's lib

Spend nearly enough time outside
Do anything stupid at the new gym
Do as much work for the show as I could/should have
Remember to send Mom a card or anything like that
Spend non-TV time with Husband
Write anything
Play with dogs

Saturday, March 17

Get up at 7
Go to my first rehearsal in six years
Cringe through a read-through
Tape some lines on the floor of a cold church basement
Confirm that I don't have to be at future rehearsals
Go grocery shopping
Once again remember to always fear the Crimson Permanent Assurance

Let the snide come out
Provide fake emotional comfort
Mention the intensifying alcohol smell wafting off of one actor
Gain any confidence in the tech savvy of the producers
Wait for dudes to help me move things
Test drive any more dogs
Wear green or drink beer
Go to a gym

Friday, March 16, 2012

Read the play I'm TDing
Sketch some set ideas
Remember how to make a production calendar
Email Directress a lot of thoughts
Shop around for a new gym
Test drive a dog from the dog adoption van
Have a mini migraine
Cook dinner

Work out at a gym
Figure out how my shoulder business affects what I can do
Responsibly do my shoulder mobility work
Adopt the dog
Tear the Mister Softee truck into teeny scraps of metal for drilling its theme into my face
Determine how to spike walls without a floor plan
Write any of this week's overdue stories
Feel crappy about myself

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Spend 12 hours in the office working
Sing Happy Birthday

Go outside
Eat cake

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Spend the day jumping from one proposal to the next
Discover I have base maps due tomorrow for a project
Love my three minutes outside on an errand
Realize I forgot to actually send the proposal materials out
Go to my first production meeting in 6 years
Wonder what I got myself into
Play with my shiny new phone
Miss the gym

Hear a peep from Coach
Contribute much at the production meeting other than Equity break rules quoted from memory 8 years after I last needed them
Do lunch outside with everyone else
Buy a fourth PATH ticket before realizing I could use my Metrocard
Seem to be allergic to the director's dog
Spend enough time with Husband

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Happily read astrology stuff over breakfast
See the best subway ad ever for "Mannish Water" flavor soup mix
Visit Body Shaman
Get involved in an actual project
Discover that MTA will refund you for lost metrocards
Sit next to Crazy Humming Lady on the way home
Do some super-fun Tuesday night laundry

Have to talk to Body Shaman about the Coach situation
Quite figure out how to do some of her crazier moves
Look like an idiot for not knowing how to fulfill a nonsensical bookkeeping request
Successfully convey the proposal process to Newbie Office Manager
Write a story
Drop any balls
Apologize for myself

Monday, March 12, 2012

Wake up really groggy from staying up until 1 and drinking
Drink too much caffeine and get a little weird
Work on a proposal for Lady Boss
Make a bus map that will never be used, but looks cool
Get all stressed out about seeing Body Shaman tomorrow
Worry that Coach secretly despised me all along
Remember that Husband is awesome and clear and honest communication is amazing and I am hugely lucky

Resent Lady Boss at all
Do the laundry after work
Decide that going hungry was an appropriate punishment
Stay late to do the work I avoided by making the map
Get to bed early, as planned

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Write a story about marriage and isolation
Continue to love David Wain
Hula hoop on the sidewalk
Eat a burger (with a bun!) and fries
Get a little tipsy
Get That Guy to come hang out at our apartment
Watch one of the best movies ever
Get hired as a tech director for a show next month

Resolve the whole gym-and-coach situation
Have any second thoughts about the TD gig
Guess right about That Guy wanting to see a silly romcom
Look for jobs
Sit inside all day and sulk
Neglect the neighbor's cats

Saturday, March 10, 2012

Let Husband's reinterpretation of events prevail
Interview for a tech director gig in Jersey
Visit a kee-razy suburban mall
Spend another swangin' Saturday Night at Fairway

Entirely trade in sad for mad
Probably talk enough at the interview
Do anything social

Friday, March 9, 2012

Get what I had coming to me

Let him see me cry

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Wake up stiff and sore
Stretch the stiffness out
Head to work late
Attend a meeting for a project that involves legit community input
Get roped into a massive last-minute promo submission
Stay at work until 9
Pinpoint one huge area of postural deficiency
Annoy Coach with emails
Watch food network for more than an hour

Remember to give out business cards
Introduce myself to the cool-seeming community activist planner
Figure out how to correct the posture thing
Get worked up about it
Write a story
Feel bad about it

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Break Husband's favorite glass before breakfast
Wear my worst pair of jeans to the office
Visit a muddy pier for work
Get paid to be outside looking at ducks in beautiful weather
Enjoy my phone's increasingly mercurial behavior
Pick up 25lbs of frozen flesh at the gym and carry it home
Hyperbolize my evil thoughts in tonight's story
Pore over an anatomy book instead of doing rehab stuff
Lay on the floor and breathe deeply
Pet a puppy

Abstain from emailing
Finish all the tedious bookkeeping
Work on the diagrams
Get to lift anything or talk to Coach or the Body Shamans
Exclaim over a gym-mate's new baby
Inventory the meat

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Wake up with a 10-minute head start on the day
Use it to dump a cup of tea in our stove
Punch myself in the jaw while getting dressed
Get through the client billing in record time
Do crazy Pilates stuff for Body Shaman
Celebrate a friend's success
Write a story about a fireman and a turtle
Enjoy multinational paranormal tv programming
Eat far too much chocolate
Learn a new word

Get to work on yesterday's planning diagrams more
Go to my friend's book launch, half the country away
Understand why the Pilates stuff made me better
Learn enough to help myself
Forget everything immediately
Lose faith

Monday, March 5, 2012

Get a decent amount of sleep
Spend the day super tired anyway
Find out some long-gone project proposals are still in the running
Sit through another long staff meeting
Get some planning diagrams entrusted to me!
Agree to feed Upstairs Neighbors' cats
Write a somewhat better story

Worry about jobs
Let a hyper-animated powerpoint presentation go without comment
Express exasperation with Flighty Archi-girl
Get very far on the diagrams
Obsess over anything
Avoid hurting myself a bit
Let myself get stuck in bits of the story that need more development
Forget to have fun

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Sleep late
Practice moving my arms in circles
Clean the kitchen
Write a pretty bad 15-page short story
Fold some laundry
Watch more British man-eating ghost tv

Go outside
Send any emails whatsoever
Pester anybody
Waste the whole day on the internet
Look for jobs
Worry about work
Feel guilty

Saturday, March 3, 2012

Sleep a long time
Spend 3+ hours on a job application that was automatically rejected
Re-submit it by lying on the "have you ever had this exact job before" question
Enjoy the pointlessness of doing so
Send a third email down the chute to chase two others
Fantasize briefly about a world in which I don't embarrass myself daily
Protest an egregious Con Ed overcharge
Go outside for a long walk even though it seemed too late
Rock out at Fairway
Swap British TV about man-eating ghosts for Canadian TV about fairies

Head gymwards to observe the Black Sea's Xfit games day
Compete in a powerlifting meet
Fly to Costa Rica
Look for other jobs to apply for
Get a dog
Work on any writing
Get shortlisted in the NYT fiction contest
Hurt very much at all

Friday, March 2, 2012

Get both excited and nervous about going to the gym
Deadlift a whopping 25lbs
Do some unsupported pistols
Sit on the sidewalk, all hangdog, for 20 minutes or so
Make an impromptu cave back at the house
Fantasize about running away to Costa Rica
Send a petulant email
Worry about the position of my head

Relinquish all sense of obligation toward my job
Buy plane tickets
Do enough breathing work
Deserve a response
Apply for any jobs
Respond to a very sweet FB-message wedding invitation
Play enough
Accomplish anything

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Entertain myself at work
Mostly avoid Lady Boss
Sit with terrible posture all day
Botch an attempt at talking to the intern on my way out
Win at Mr. Jack through use of smarts
Do an almost-parallel one-legged squat, freestanding
Remember to blog after I was in bed with the lights out

Have any of my work rejected
Do anything incredibly useful
Have to play bookkeeper
Play with dogs
Spend much time outside
Get expected reactions

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Go to work really late
Run out of things to do within 10 minutes
Only catch 75% of Lady Boss's mistakes in a fee proposal
Get to hear that "I'm so disgusted with you" snorty sound when the proposal got sent back
Fix it
Submit to her subsequent condescension
Rage quietly in the ladies' room
Fantasize about quitting

Wig out about hurting
Get to go to the gym
Complain to Husband for more than half an hour or so
Have any more bootleg Canadian tv to watch
Write anything
Do any fun arty stuff

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Write a 150 word pulp fiction intro for a goofy NY Times contest
Sit at my desk for a bunch of hours
Visit the Body Shaman
Get complimented on my breathing AND on the wolf video
Read about community organizing in NYC
Spend quality time in a staff meeting
Get Boss Man to actually talk to the intern
Cook food
Watch tv
Play silly games with Husband

Apply for any jobs or fellowships or good stuff like that
Blatantly do job research while at work
Fail at any of the Shaman's mysterious contortions
Learn much with my brain about why what we're doing is working
Develop an appreciation for the phrase "laundry list"
Send any bratty emails
Spend enough time outside

Monday, February 27, 2012

Get sprayed with perfume on the subway by an oblivious seatmate
Meet our meek and mild Michigan intern
Turn her over to Lady Boss for the extraction of graphics
Fiddle away another day of thumb-twiddling tedium
Look at job ads while at work
Make a dude smile through the subway car window with FlirtyPower(tm)
Accidentally act rude toward our upstairs neighbors
Indulge in house-to-myself fun
Sing half-remembered arias in the shower

Apply for a job I found
Act resentful toward my bosses
Spend a lot of time with the intern
Make a very good mentor
Let her know that my real job as a planner is bookkeeper
Have to sit through a boring staff meeting

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Sleep really late
Sit in the cemetery and think about writing
Wish I'd spent a little more time on the end of the wolf video
Crack up laughing every time I watched it
Help Husband procrastinate by watching tv in the middle of the day
Win at Mr. Jack!
Only dread going to the office tomorrow a little
Shuffle through Fairway with the other Sunday night zombies
Feel really pleased with the weekend

Hurt myself at all
Spend any time in pain
Actually tell annoying girls in the cemetery to shut up
Apply for any jobs
Work on arty blog
Worry about opportunity costs

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Engage in much financial planning over breakfast
Make and then ignore a responsible Weekend To-Do List
Spend ten hours on my Fun & Exciting assignment
Curl and crouch like a contortionist
Make this!
Crack myself up

Get bummed about the results of the financial planning
Act as irresponsibly as I would like to
Take a trip to Queens to watch people do burpees
Go outside for more than 5 minutes
Leave the project only half-done
Go crazy from spending ten hours on it
Cook or do the dishes
Work on finding a new job