Monday, January 30, 2012

Have a traditionally irritating Monday
Find out my boss lit out for Florida
Get my last assignment cancelled by email
Agree to help a co-worker with a nonsensical project at the last minute
Stay late to do it after having nothing to do all day
Receive instructions that might have been authored by a cloud
Read my book while unexpectedly making dinner
Find an entertaining-sounding job

Apply for the job
Get to go to the gym
Join a new gym I could actually go to on Mondays
See the genitalia of the man who forgot to lock the bathroom
Leave work on time
Go outside during the day
Play with dogs

Sunday, January 29, 2012

Research Kickstarter stuff over breakfast
Update arty blog
Get freaked out about it being a waste of time, first
Waste time on the internet
Make a successful batch of coconut butter
Chill out and read my book
Eat a piece of chocolate after 29 days without

Go to the zoo, with or without Husband
Chicken out of any arty blog ideas
Post all the new content yet
Apply for any jobs
Work on the book
Get a dog

Saturday, January 28, 2012

Sleep the whole damn night
Wake up decently early
Get the grocery shopping done before noon
Register for a powerlifting meet
Work towards the next phase of arty blog
Apply for a job
Start (reading) a new book
Go to the park
Synthesize some vitamin D

Get out-of-control excited
Disappoint anybody
Figure it all out
Try to do everything all at once

Friday, January 27, 2012

Sleep in 'til 9
Pursue ideas for the next phase of arty blog
Watch wide-eyed as the possibility space expanded
Read about freelance writing
Enjoy the hell out of some crazy weather
Haul 225lbs off the ground 3 times
Feel excited about my life for the first time in ages

Let myself get out of control
Lose sight of the realities
Forbid myself from daydreaming about best-case scenarios
Actually accomplish much or take any real steps
Worry about the book
Cheat much on my workout
Know how tired I was until I sat down

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Spend hours waiting for a client to make his preferences clear
Pay Underling's last, entirely undeserved check
Talk a little with a coworker I respect
Get unexpected props and advice for arty blog
Drag my co-workers out to drinks
Say what I think
Get the fastest-ever R train home

Flub an important email
Spend very much of the day working
Succumb to drunken non-paleo indulgence
Let slip any word of blogs or art or books to coworkers
Laugh at Architect-girl dismissing the social aspect of urban spaces
Have a real talk with the coworker I like
Get home in time for dinner with Husband
Get myself in trouble

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Waste another day at work
Spend serious time categorizing old email
Spill some angst over coffee
Mentally set a "quit date"
Leave on the dot of six
Lift 120lbs 24 times
Try to be speedy
Make conversation
Eat a mountain of chicken

Find a way to update my resume while at work
Find or apply for jobs
Cheat any movements
Hurt myself
Feel tongue-tied or ashamed
Work on the book
Play with dogs

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Unexpectedly get to know my in-laws a little better
Remember that risk is worth it
Play a guy's video game in my head on the train
Chat with a delivery guy about being late
Fantasize about writing a resignation letter
Attempt to come up with authoritative park typologies
Faff around with paperwork
Ditch my work to finish making a model
Make fun of J'Biden

Come up with an adequate response
Come any closer to actually quitting
Apply for jobs instead of watching the state of the union
Make myself a pest
Work on the book
Play with dogs

Monday, January 23, 2012

Get unexpected blog feedback from family
Feel grateful, and also exposed
Meet Underling's just-out-of-college replacement
Obligingly agree to cancel my first Monday training session
Ignore my mom
Look for jobs
Start updating my resume
Remember my nephew's birthday JUST IN TIME

Write back to my in-laws
Finish the resume
Apply for jobs
Avoid seeming like a spaz when emailing my coach
Resist the siren song of coffee with dairy in it
Discover that dairy no longer bothers me
Get the kink out of my shoulder
Have to do anything unpleasant before lady-boss left for a week

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Get some morning FB love for the person I am, as is
Send more emails into the void to be ignored
Look for jobs in theatre
Run errands
Play Mr. Jack
Try to tell the story of how I became nobody

Apply for jobs
Work on the book
Spend enough time outside
Make myself understood
Give up

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Get up damn early
Tromp to the gym through the snow
Suck it up at lifting
Say good morning to a lot of neighbors out shoveling
Cook some stew that was greedily gobbled up at a potluck
Make like a wallflower
Quietly connect with someone
Let cleanup be my icebreaker and enjoy the last half-hour

Become someone else
Wallow in workout disappointment
Give up during the awkward uncomfortable bit of the party and go home sad
Rescue Husband from interminable conversation with That One Guy
Do any real-life stuff

Friday, January 20, 2012

Wake up without the alarm
Waste the morning on teh intarwebs
Get out of the house
See a fantastic documentary
Have a conversation about it
Watch some internet stupidity unfold
Think about something other than my damn self, for a change

Work on the book
Go to the gym
Do any chores
Go to a super-nerdy gathering
Regret any of it

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Do a little more model-making
Throw together thrilling last-minute promotional materials
Watch my boss begin to lose my first potential project in a YEAR
Find out Underling is getting 5 weeks' pay for doing 5 days' work
Feel jealous of people who talk easily
Wonder if I'll ever have anything to say

Spread the Underling gossip to anyone who actually knows her
Tell my boss I think he got played
Express disappointment about the project
Fuck anything up
Find a new job
Work on the book
Talk to people
Become someone else

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Get to hear my favorite busker on the subway
Decide that I would rather make models than do boring stuff
Make models most of the day
Watch Underling get fired
Pretend not to see someone on the train who then waited for me when we got off
Finally get to go back to the gym

Prep the terrible presentation I'll eventually have to give
Follow up about that raise
Worry about finding a new job
Speed squat very speedily
Seize the interesting conversational leads dangled in front of me
Get too angsty about it

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Betray the mice huddling in our ceiling to our landlord
Get a bunch of meaningless stuff done at work
Briefly fall asleep at my desk
Freak a girl out on the subway by blowing my nose near her
Whine and gripe about self-imposed dietary restrictions
Think of a possible next phase for arty blog
Defiantly eat a banana

Get upset by anything at the workplace
Bother asking where underling was on the 5th day of 7 she's been absent
Find a new job
Work on the book
Create new and meaningful relationships
Shoulder-check anybody on the street
Play with dogs

Monday, January 16, 2012

Dream I was choking, pulling ribbons of chard out of my throat
Read about racism in architecture some more
Tread water at work
Celebrate the end of my cold with a new one
Fall asleep waiting for dinner
Do a saline nasal rinse for the first time ever (ew)

Follow up about that there raise I asked for
Catch up on promo research I was supposed to do a while back
Figure out how to make a mandatory presentation less boring
Apply for two still-sort-of-promising jobs
Go to the gym
Eat birthday cake
Work on the book
Get a dog

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Somewhat regret the beer
Daydream about cookies
See Melancholia
Apologize for missing the party
Wallow a bit
Get sick of my own bullshit

Apply for any jobs
Find freelance writing gigs worth pursuing
Write an essay to use as a sample/post here
Buy a new hat to replace lost Heidelberg hat
Talk to anyone
Play Mr. Jack
Turn into someone better

Saturday, January 14, 2012

Engage in some epic meal planning
Cruise Fairway at its second-most-crowded
Almost get hurled into a car by the wind
Think hard about how I can quit my job
Have a couple of people over and force them to play Mr. Jack
Succumb to social norms and have a beer

End up going to a party I was excited about
Manage to write an essay that seemed promising
Apply for any of the jobs I found
Work on the book
Connect with Acquaintance
Make new friends
Play with dogs

Friday, January 13, 2012

Sleep the whole night through
Work on the book some
Haul Husband out for a walk
Watch a hawk eviscerate a rodent in the cemetery
Move a lot of weight
Pet a dog
Get all white-girl-alarmed by a weird guy on the walk home

Work on the book enough
Figure out my new job
Resist the siren song of the internet
Talk to people
Initiate a dorky games night
Waste enough of the day for the usual relentless remorse

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Experience movement where there had been none
Faff around enough that I didn't get all my too-little work done
Sympathize with a small-minded bigot to get a project
Ask for a raise for the first time ever
Defend the request when it was met with sheer disbelief
Act like a total fucking girl to get it
Immediately start considering new jobs
Contact some people about potential social events

Receive a concrete yes/no answer
Say out loud that yes, I think homeless people should be able to sit (or even lie) down in public spaces
Walk across now-open Zuccotti park
Lie to my bosses
Have a happy digestive system
Play with any dogs
Make any friends
Work on the book

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Escape the subway just as the buskers started to let their little lights shine
Completely fail to notice the un-barricading of Zuccotti park
Start experimenting with probiotics
Enjoy another day of mind-numbingly boring work
Entertain a bunch of people with tales of obsessive meal-planning
Consider hijacking a mom's copy of "green hat, blue hat"
Squat to a box
Enjoy a tall, frosty mug of prune juice SCIENCE

Quite run out of things to do at work
Screw anything up immeasurably
Notice I left my water bottle at the gym until I was 25 blocks away
Introduce myself to people I don't know
Respond to a co-worker's invite out for a beer
Do a pub quiz with a couple of friends
Work on the book
Pet any dogs

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Leave for work insanely late
Get reminded that mothers are automatic alphas
Turn down a fun invite for tomorrow so I can go to the gym
Initiate the possibility of getting a raise
Do a lot of behind-the-scenes work that no one will ever notice
Write a thank-you note when Lady-Boss couldn't be arsed

Arrive at work much later than usual
Play hooky to play Mr. Jack
Miss any opportunities to correct my own mistakes
Get roped into writing last-minute proposals
Lift anything heavy
Work on the book
Have to do the dishes

Monday, January 9, 2011

Sleep lying down!
Go back to work
Spend the day bookkeeping
Read some of the worst promotional writing I've ever encountered
Enjoy continuing digestive problems

Run out of work yet
Go see a handful of short plays
Finish my terrible book
Remember to blog

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Sleep sitting up on our couch
Break down Christmas
Sweep up a small mountain of tree needles
Go to the movies
Make delicious food
Waste a bunch of time on the internet
Say goodbye to vacation

Find a new job at the last possible minute
Apply for any of the (mostly impractical) jobs I did find
Explicitly quit the dumb, racist, sexist book I'm reading
Work on the book
Talk to friends
Get a dog
Do anything new
Use this time wisely

Saturday, January 7, 2012

Sleep the insomniac non-sleep of the sick
Engage in epic meal planning
Play a vigorous round of "Ey Mann, wo ist mein Auto?"
Kick up me heels at Fairway
Fail at napping
Get loopy tired
Eat too much coconut butter

Get to see Mission Impossible (permission denied)
Break my ankle by falling off the curb
Magically find my calling on Craigslist
Take initiative (socially or otherwise)
Work on the book
Get a dog

Friday, January 6, 2012

Sleep the whole night!
Work on the book
Head to the gym
Successfully call Other Gym Writer back to the gym through the power of bloggggs (or mass hallucination)
Read an essay that pissed me off
Lift some stuff
Get out of the gym in record time
Eat an improbable amount of food

Have a conversation with Other Gym Writer
Comment on a friend's blog entry that I liked
Think of a good way to maintain my vacation lies at work
Figure out a new job before having to go to work on Monday
Lose at Mr. Jack either of the times we played
Hang out and be social
Manage to regret our quiet, boring little life

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Spend quality time with my trusty nebulizer
See Fantasticissma Bodyworker for an hour's fixin'
Keep a careful distance behind an acquaintance on the walk home
Read a crap book
Send a thoroughly codependent email to Coach
Visit the Corner o' Vice for some booze juice
Make awesome grub and burn it a little
Eat bananas!

Take any more fish oil
Work on the book
Continue to ignore emails from my "MoM"
Cough up any actual pieces of my lungs
Feel guilty

Wednesday, January 4, 2011

Spend a good part of the night awake and coughing
Sleep propped up
Read most of a Pals in Peril novel
Work on the book
Make a fatal fish oil error and suffer the consequences
Go to the gym
Get a welcome lift home with my backpack o' iced meat

Go to work
Get to see Fantasticissima Bodyworker
Figure out the shoulder initiation for chin-ups
Work on the book very much
Make scintillating conversation
Throw up
Play with dogs

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Sleep 'til 10
Waste a lot of time on the intarwebs
Go a little nuts
Walk around the botanic garden
Lay on my back and watch the clouds move
Buy a coat
Have a Paleo fail at dinner (corn syrup in the tomato sauce)
Write a thank-you to our landlords for Christmas clementines

Quit the book, even though it seems hopeless
Figure out what my new job should be
Email ex-prof about PhD programs and/or job advice
See or talk to anyone
Quit the Paleo Challenge, even though it seems pointless
Wash the dishes

Monday, January 2, 2012

Sleep almost until noon
Throw time down the internet hole
Finish the available episodes of Luther
Work on the book

Go outside
Talk to anyone
Go entirely crazy
Lift anything
Remember to blog before bed

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Read more
Sleep more
Cough more
Get told by a Fairway employee that I am a "perfect bagger"
Watch more Luther
Think about doing a PhD
Start our Paleo New Year

Take any drastic steps
Play with any small boys
Un-trim the tree
Answer any phone calls
Make or break any resolutions