Thursday, May 31, 2012

Wednesday, May 30

Hurt way less after last night's crybaby time
Do some hip work before work
Wear a somewhat inappropriate dress
Enjoy people's reactions to it
Do a lot of paperwork
Tune out the continuing office frenzy
Turn some overripe bananas into cake-facsimile
Listen to music I'd forgotten about
Mess around with dumbbells
FaceStalk Former Coach

Work on the book
Waste the whole day fooling around
Forget to pay everybody
Screw up people's deductions again
Contact New Coach
Join a regular gym
Tell MoM about not getting the cool job

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Wake up with the sun and the birds
Watch a scene from somewhere near the end of a relationship on the subway
Wash up in the middle of continued office frenzy from last week
More or less totally fail to concentrate
Play some killer scrabble words
Find out how to collect the printer history for a year
Aid and abet the scapegoating of former coworker Archigirl
Humor a 5:45 request that I write a proposal that was due before yesterday
Whine about it all to Husband
Get rewarded with an awesome plan of action

Require help to get water for tea
Have to battle any spiders for use of the bathroom
Get to watch for water snakes over breakfast
Manage to get much done amid all the kerfuffle
Get to quit
Call the allergist
Contact New Coach about what to do next
Put away the camping gear
Resist the possibility of solutions

Monday, May 28, 2012

Saturday, May 26 - Monday, May 28

Hike four miles with a 50-lb pack (twice)
See a water snake and a couple of woodpeckers and a frog and a deer and a lot of spiders and flies, oh my
Lay around on a rocky beach for five or six hours
Make some progress on identifying food sensitivities
Run in and out of the lake
Sleep in late and then worry that I should have gotten up earlier
Daydream about moving to the woods somewhere
Only sit completely still in traffic for half an hour coming home
Celebrate being home with Peruvian delivery

Spend any time at all on the internet
Read any news
Lose any of our supplies to marauding mammals in the night
Turn out to have screwed up the tent by trying to fix its seams
Stay totally dry in the downpour
Destroy my hips with the hiking and all
Lose any bathroom duels with spiders
End up getting the possibly cool-seeming job
Use my blog for mean after-the-fact millipede jokes
Get too disappointed about the job (yet)

Saturday, May 26, 2012

Gone Camping
See you Monday or so.

Friday, May 25

Set up a house inside our house
Spend several hours in a quest to re-seal the tent seams
Go on a Paleo adventure to Bierkraft
Pack pack pack pack pack, test, unpack, repack
Guard most but not all of our food from fridge-raiding bears

Enjoy pain-free range of hip motion
Stretch like a good girl
Spend much time on the computer
Read or write
Go to the gym
Worry about jobs

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Write a proposal from scratch and get it out the door
Do a little bookkeeping
Put together a couple hundred precedent photos
Still slack off for most of the day
Buy some seam sealer and tent stakes after work
Wonder why I wanted to listen to gloomy music
Get reminded that today's an anniversary of sorts

Fear the rain
Get found out as a total slacker yet
Let the inside voice out
Work on the book
Make the all-important camping list
Win or lose at scrabble
Get too sad about not playing with dogs, 'cause they'd be wet

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Show up pretty nearly on time
Participate in some morning office frenzy
Do some work
Remember what New York smells like in summer
OD on the Food Network when left alone
Learn an exciting secret
Beat Husband at phone scrabble again
Do some stretchin'

Use my home-alone time productively
Work on the book
Figure out what to do about jobs
Visit the gym, that long-lost hangout
Totally heal in every way yet
Get a dog

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Beat all my bosses to work, for once
Unexpectedly get my hip largely fixed by Body Shaman
Speak up in the interminable staff meeting
Fail at signing an excellent petition
Get excited about going camping this weekend
Say goodbye to Dr. House

Get rained on
Find out who killed Laura Palmer
Let a guy on the train give up his seat for me
Totally ignore work in favor of phone scrabble
Propose to Lady Boss that she get a new office manager
Find out if That Guy is still about to be homeless
Work on the book

Monday, May 21, 2012

Wake up half an hour late
Listen to the rain and dream of camping
Barely make the subway in time to be no later than usual
Combine surly and lazy in a reprisal of Worst Employee Ever
Beat Husband at phone scrabble
Get praised for work I did at least a week ago that abruptly became useful
Start a new scrabble game
Start an essay about quitting and then quit writing it

Work on the book
Quit my job
Forget to thank my interviewers
Go back to the gym
Do anything worthwhile

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Get up at a normal hour
Work on the book!
Fantasize about quitting my job and just writing full time
Get a little whiny about it
Go see the Old Time Strongman Spectacular at Coney Island
See a guy pull a truck with his hair
Enjoy some crazy-pants subway antics on the way back
Spend the evening doing chores

Have the promised Family Writing Time
Write the follow-up email to my interviewers
Clean the apartment
Convince Husband to show off during the audience participation
Touch the ocean

Saturday, May 19

Sleep in late
Nap in the sun in the park anyway
Call MoM
Lose confidence in the appeal of Cool-Seeming Job

Work on the book
Clean the apartment
Do my chores
Hang out with two-year-olds

Friday, May 18, 2012

Wake up bright and early to cram
Do a lot of research that I did not allude to in the interview
Talk for almost 45 minutes straight
Get at least some enthusiastic response to my babbling
See a shirtless man removing his pants on a park bench
Play hooky from the gym
Cook dinner
Work on the book

Get as nervous as usual
Freak out and forget what I was going to say
Completely avoid sounding dumb
Blow it
Fullfil my promise to New Coach
Think of a good excuse
Waste my Friday

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Lie to my allergist
Spend most of the day playing scrabble on my phone
Fantasize about quitting a lot
Practice talking about Potential New Job in bathroom mirrors
Get a last-minute super-urgent due-right-now assignment at 4 and still leave by 6:30
Fall asleep on Husband for a lovely hour or so
Wonder if my terrible job has made me useless, helpless, and dependent in the workplace
Get smacked for wondering it out loud

Ask for the test I wanted to have done
Man up and correct myself after blatantly lying to the allergist
Get fired for being the worst employee ever
Wait to get approval on the package to send to the client at 6:30
Suggest that they fire their useless Office Managerette
Succumb to the inevitable Enthusiasm Wane for Potential New Job
Do all the requisite research and prep for the interview
Send a compassionate response to MoM's email like a good daughter
Ask how my coworker's trip to Israel was

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Walk to work behind someone who really needs Body Shaman
Get an interview for the actually good-sounding job
Fantasize about quitting
Fall asleep again while constructively resting
Possibly partially destroy Body Shaman's magic work
Play phone scrabble at the office
Make a lasting impression on a 2-year-old

Stretch out my work to last the whole day
Tell Boss Lady that I am not her secretary
Research or otherwise prepare for Friday's interview
Spend time with friends
Get a dog

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Discover a veggie crisper full of blood before breakfast due to leaky meat packaging
Write a bit of a story on the train
Get to work late and spend the day mostly bored
Leave early to meet with Body Shaman
Learn some new DIY body repair techniques
Interpret "constructive rest" a bit too literally

Hear back about the job
Work on the book
Think about the book before 11:30pm
Get fired
Remember the stuff I was going to blog about
Play with dogs

Monday, May 14, 2012

Get modest appreciation for half-assed work
Act like a responsible grown-up and cancel tonight's lifting session with New Coach
Make an appointment with Body Shaman
Immediately hurt less, of course
Watch a bunch of tv
Reprise my terrifying Hand Crocodile routine for Husband

Work on the book
Get fired
Give up my subway seat to a guy who looked like Kurt Vonnegut
Hear back from Super Cool Job people
Make any major life decisions
Get the Modern Major General song out of my head yet

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Friday, May 11 - Sunday, May 12

Send MoM some flowers at my aunt's house, to make up for the forgotten card
Go on a field trip to PA to watch a friend's sister get married
Meet a new candidate for World's Awesomest 2-Year-Old
Scare her with some very realistic Hand Crocodile action
Spend a lot of time running in circles and being a human fence
Enjoy seeing some people I haven't seen in years
Have lots of good conversations
Play games
Wander around historic Valley Forge
Get appropriately sunburned
Make a key navigational error on the return trip
Get some strong book encouragement

Remember the name of the author with flesh-eating disease
Assist in the overthrow of the Tyrannous Wedding Photographer
Keep my wedding favor
Make scintillating wedding conversation with our table-mates
Figure out how to wash the eye makeup off
Quite decide whether to move to the middle to be near our friends
Make any headway in convincing them to move near us
Get to do splashy splashy with our un-god-kid
See the Tree of Mythic Significance
Escape from Mister Softee
Use my time alone back at home to work on the book

Friday, May 11, 2012

Thursday, May 10

Show up egregiously late again
Ring a stranger's bike bell because it pleased me
Take a 10 minute work vacation to an awesome hardware store
End up doing some work I'd been trying to get the right people to do for three months
Prep for a wedding trip
Fresh direct a bajillion groceries

Find out who killed Laura Palmer
Get a Mother's Day card!

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Plow through some thrilling bank reconciliations
Roll around on a carpet for Mystic Body Shaman
Almost miss seeing Lady Boss before she left for Israel
Make hasty brochure mock-ups for a client meeting
Really enjoy gleaning the day's news from facebook posts
Ice my hip a bunch
Consider naturopathy

Finish pretty much anything
Forget to be excited about seeing friends in two days
Manage to not inadvertently lie to anyone
Buy a Mothers' Day card for MoM
Work on the book
Get a dog

Tuesday, May 8

Utterly fail at yesterday's diagrams
Wade through a quick organizational meeting that took nearly 2 hours
Get roped into making more presentations for work I'm not familiar with
Possibly get chastised for not interrupting enough and/or talking over other people
Share a subway seat with a woman who's heading to Memphis tomorrow to celebrate her birthday
Wash some dishes
Watch some Twin Peaks

Do any bookkeeping
Feel at all bad during the possible chastisement
Feel much obligation to organize this project presentation
Quit my job
Use my evening for anything worthwhile
Work on the book
Get a dog

Monday, May 7, 2012

Wake up rested
Get to work late, as usual
Wear a skirt that's striped like a TIGER
Futz around
Fantasize about the potential job
Go to the gym
Wimp out a little on the metcon
Play medicine-ball catch without hitting anyone in the face

Quit anything
Back down when someone was condescending but wrong
Entirely betray my impatience with the last-minute, disorganized, late-making staff meeting
Work on the book
Forget to ice
Play with dogs

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Find and apply for an actually awesome-sounding job
Dare to open my book and find out that it's actually ok and worth writing
Go to the park with Husband
Watch some very excited rounds of fetch at the dog beach
Feed two goats, two sheep, and two llamas
Watch the pygmy loris move any which way it pleased
Start watching Twin Peaks
Win my game

Write any new pages
Clean the stove burners
Stretch sufficiently
Abscond with any of the dog-beach dogs
Do anything I didn't want to do

Saturday, May 5

Sleep a lot
Set up my new computer
Play my new game on it
Stop before winning
Explore the Big Cemetery with Husband
Have fun creeping ourselves out
Go out for sushi
Race through Fairway

Figure out what foods are making my body weird
Think of anything new and interesting to say about the death penalty
Lift weights
Feel as sore as on Thursday
Do any writing
Go to the Fringe Fair and try to get hired as a venue manager
Get a dog

Friday, May 4, 2012

Sleep for about 13 hours
Responsibly do stretching
Experience, possibly for the first time, what it's like to really not be broke
Buy a shiny new toy
Break it
Fix it
Play a game on it

Quite know how to deal with this new experience
Leave my toy in the subway to see what would happen
Entirely shake off the guilt
Have a lot of enthusiasm for the gym, despite modest increases in weight
Write anything
Catch up on to-do items
Play with dogs

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Have the most amazing case of DOMS
Enjoy a splitting headache for about eight hours
Leave work on the dot of six, come home, and fall asleep

Do much of use to anyone
Sleep enough yet

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Pass the time somehow
Have a brief meeting about a project
Dodge the question of whether I want to go salary/FT again
Disgust LadyBoss by admitting to eating meat
Lift some weights
Do a very brief conditioning workout
Wimp out as soon as I was given the chance

Laugh in LB's face when she said her 2 desert island foods would be branded water and brown rice
Lift anything impressive
Mention the bits that hurt
Completely fail to converse
Apply for jobs
Play with dogs

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Dream disturbing things about Lady Boss
Have to nag people multiple times about dumb things
End up twiddling my thumbs for a few hours
Sit through the world's most boring staff meeting
Eat two Lara bars and give myself a headache
Jump through lotsa hoops to apply for a municipal job in St Paul
Picture a different life and try to weigh drastically unequal things

Get "this little light of mine" stuck in my head this time
Congratulate a new dad I like very much
Read through a friend's blog posts as promised
Get caught up on sleep yet
Dress the part
Do anything creative
Feel particularly competent